A lesson never learned.

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AN: Hi guys thanks for reading this far! Much appreciated. Please read my other fanfic, a group of oneshots.


Danny's P.O.V

Ben pulled me onto AA's bus and shut us in the backroom.

'Ben, I'm so sorry. I've missed-' I stopped talking after I looked up to see Ben stripping.

'Danny at the moment I'm so pissed at you I want to fuck you till your ass bleeds.' I gasped, but still slightly turned on.

Ben started to walk towards me, a determined look on his face. I held up my hands in an attempt to calm him down; like he was an untamed, dangerous animal.

'Ben I know your angry but at least listen to my side of the story.'

'You better hurry up Danny because I'm really not in the mood to talk.' I sighed. Now or never Danny. Now or never.

'I only left because I couldn't stand seeing you with that whore. I was an in the moment thing, it was stupis I know but I didn't think of the effect it would have on you or the guys. I'm sorry Ben.' Ben came to complete stand still infront of me, his face covered by his messy brown hair.

'Danny there's something I should of told you a long time ago.' Ben took my hand and pulled me onto the sofa next to him. pain lingered in his eyes which made me feel uneasy. Maybe he was going to tell me he never loved me.

'I devorced Sam months ago. I didn't want to live without you, I couldn't, you mean so much to me Bear and I love you.' I wrapped my arms around Ben and held him close. I know I didn't want to leave him again it killed me in those months without him, even though I had We Are The In Crowd and All Time Low, I still felt like there was a gaping hole in my heart, a hole that could only be filled by Ben, my Benji.

'Ben I love you too and I will never leave you again, I promise.'

'BEN, DANNY COME ON WE'RE ON STAGE IN 5! LET'S GO!' James yelled through the door, I chuckled and pulled Ben to his feet.

'Welcome back Worsnop.' He flashed me a toothy smile.

'Thanks Bruce. Its good to be back.' I smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips and we made out way to the stage.

'So we would like you motherfuckers to go crazy for the return of DANNY FUCKING WORSNOP!' Ben yelled over the roar of screaming fans. Oh I've missed this, the feel of being wanted. I ran on stage and stood next to Ben and slipped my arm around his bare sweat covered shoulders.

'Let's go fucking metal!' I yelled and the crowd roared again as we kicked into out first song. Another Bottle Down.


'Great show guys.' James smiled and handed us all a bear when we all sat down on the bus sofa.

'Even better now that Danny's back.' Sam smiled at me, while snuggling into Cam.

'So the party's over here.' Vic laughed as he walked in pulling Kellin gently along by the hand. Followed by Tony and Mike holding each other and then Jaime.

'Danny, you were amazing and you looked at home again.' Tay's voice floated through the air which made every one stop and look at her. I laughed when Jordan wrapped his arm protectively around her.

'Don't worry mate we're not going to steal her from you.' Mike said a he held up his hand that was intertwined with Tony's, Vic did the same with Kellin and Sam and Cam held there hands up.

'And me and James have girlfriends of our own.' Added Jaime. Jordan smiled and sat next to me pulling Tay on his lap.

'Guys this is Tay, Jordan, Mike, Cameron and Rob from We Are The In Crowd. Alex, Jack, Zack and Rian from All Time Low. I went on tour with these guys when I...um...left.' I half smiled.

'Well this will be confusing, two Mike's and two Cameron's.' Mike laughed and fanned himself dramatically. We all laughed.

As the night went on we all got to know each other and were getting along Ben whispered to me to meet him out side in five minutes. I walked round to the back of the bus and found Ben sitting on the grass, I sat next to him and ran my hands over his outstretched leg. He looked up and smiled.

'So what did you want Benji?' I asked as he stood up.

'Daniel Robert Worsnop I love you with all my heart. I've made so many mistakes in my life and you love me all the same. And this will be the only thing I'll do right in my time.' I felt my eyes water as Ben got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. 'Danny will you be mine...forever?'

'Are you sure Ben?' I curse myself when my voice cracked on his name.

'Could be the end the end of the world and I'd still ask you. I don't want to waste my life away anymore.'

'Then I say yes.' I smiled. 'Even though I'm hiding behind false eyes.' Ben slipped the ring on my finger and slipped one on his. He sat back down next to me.

'Danny I will help you through thick and thin to get you better again. I love you.' Ben snuggled me and buried his face in my hair.

'I love you too Benji.' I whispered to myself.

AN: Sorry its sort and took me so long to update...I had writers block. My bad. I have been focused on another story so I have left Brusnop...I felt bad so I will update another part soon. Promise :3 Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes I did this on my phone.

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