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[a/n: this hit 5,000 reads today and i'm excited about it so here's another update to celebrate!!]

dan✨: i'm sorry

phil😋: why didn't you tell me something was wrong

dan✨: there was nothing wrong, i just couldn't feel anything

dan✨: i've moved back in with my parents for a while but it's so obvious they don't want me here; they're just doing it out of sympathy. it's so shit when you're hurting and they don't care

phil😋: so you did that??

dan✨: i thought if i did, then i'd be able to feel something again. it didn't work

phil😋: please don't do it again, it doesn't make anything better

dan✨: nothing in this goddamn world makes anything any better

dan✨: except you

dan✨: you're the only thing i have left in this entire universe who has the power to make everything go away just by acknowledging my existence. you're so special and i adore every single part of you

phil😋: i won't let anyone or anything hurt you

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