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phil😋: dan

dan✨: i didn't want to tell you because i knew it would push you away and you'd hate me for it

dan✨: because i know it's disgusting and wrong but at the time i had no choice

dan✨: i was having a shit time and although those people meant nothing to me i could at least feel something, almost like i actually felt loved even though i knew it was bullshit considering the circumstances

dan✨: i needed the money since my parents stopped providing for me when they found out i was gay and told me i was no son of theirs and so i had to try and make a life for myself on a small income

dan✨: that's why i didn't say anything because i couldn't risk losing you

phil😋: you would never lose me and i could never hate you, dan

dan✨: you mean too much for me to lose you

phil😋: never, i love you

dan✨: i love you so much more

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