Chapter 1 - Rowan's POV

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I blinked, slowly fading back into reality.

"Hey, Michael...ugh! I'm so sorry...must've dozed off..." I stuttered.

"Snap back into reality, Row!" Michael Jacobs, producer of my show "Girl Meets World" said seriously. "We need you and Peyton to tryout a scene for an episode next month! If it doesn't work out, we'll have to re-write the script." He tossed me a stack of paper, making me stumble back. "Here, go recite it. Go to the Matthew's living room set in 10 minutes."

I nodded, blushing. Peyton has been my crush for around 3 years now... We were so different. He was three years older, he was tall and sporty, quiet on set, whereas I- I'm 16, a Harry Potter nerd, and crazily loud on set.

A pair of hands covered my eyes. "Sabrina!" I tried not to laugh but it was hard when Sabrina was around.

"Hey Rowboat," she teased. "I heard what Michael said...a Rucas scene, maybe?" She winked at me.

"Nah... I mean, he wouldn't- I mean I wouldn't-"

"Rowan, Rowan, Rowan. It's just a scene for a TV Show! It's not a big deal! Plus, we're like a family! It doesn't matter-" she paused. "BUT IT DOES! Oh shit, I can't believe I forgot! YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON PEYTON! I feel like such a terrible friend now I'm sorry!" Sabrina laughed like an angel.

Sabrina was my best friend, but I can't get over on how perfect she was. She was blonde, she had blue eyes, she was intelligent and she is AMAZING at singing. Her second album "Dream Catching" hit top charts just after it launched for two weeks! Talk about perfect!

"Keep it down, peaches. You're the only one I've told."

"Meh. It's pretty obvious. Even Brad is suspecting! Remember that time when Riley and Lucas went on their third date? You said Peyton instead of Lucas." Sabrina smiled. "Sweet, young love."

"But that was years ago! That was the end of season 2!" I argued and tried to slap Sabrina playfully on her arm- but she was too fast and skipped away, her eyes full of mockery.

I sighed and flipped open my script while walking towards my trailer. Michael tagged the scene I was supposed to recite for with pink post-its and I laughed silently. Pink- I wonder if he stole it from his wife, I thought.

The scene was basically about Lucas leaving for Texas, not coming back for four months, leaving his girlfriend (Riley/me) alone, blah blah. Sort of was a fight. Bleh.

I was reciting my line, "But I want you to stay, please don't leave me" (AW that's really adorable- I yacht Rucas actually) when I bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry, I'm such a klutz- I was just-" I looked up and saw Peyton's green eyes looking down at me.

"Oh. Hey..." I stopped breathing for some reason. Every time he looks at me, there's a part of my body that's melting into my bones.

"Hey," he gave me a slightly crooked smile that made me want to crawl into a hole and die. I'm not kidding.

"So...uh. Hi." I smiled back, mentally slapping myself. You could do better!

"Whatcha doing?" He asked. I noticed his face was getting pink. Probably not because of me. Maybe because it was too stuffy. I dunno.

"Just reading my script, haha." Damn it. I am SUCH A KLUTZ. "The scene where we fight? Yeah."

"Oh... That! I just finished reciting. It's pretty cute how Riley has to say 'please don't leave'," I saw him biting his lower lip nervously.

"You read my lines?" I giggled. Aw, that's really cute. He nodded, his face turning red.

"You...wanna...? I mean, were you going anywhere?" He asked.

"Yeah, just my trailer."

"Do you...uh...want me to come with you or anything? It's okay if you don't want to... I don't wanna sound creepy and stalker-ish, so-"

"Sure, I'd love to!" Bad move, Rowan. Congratulations on making yourself sound like a 5 year old.

Peyton grinned and followed me to my trailer. I had pink and white furniture, so it sorta made me look like a stupid 5 year old obsessed with candy corns and rainbows. Ugh.

"Nice room you got there, Row-" Peyton said but quickly added, "-an."

So for around 7 minutes, Peyton just sat there watching me read my lines, his forest green eyes fixed on my shaking hands.

"I think it's time... We should go on set," Peyton scratched his neck.

"Okay," I stood up from my couch.

Being the 'gentleman' he is, he opened the door for me and I stepped out, laughing.

We went to the Matthews' living room. Michael beamed at us. "Okay!" he shouted. "3,2,1, ACTION!"

"Lucas, you can't... YOU HAVE THREE DAYS LEFT?!" I cried. "You can't just leave me here!"

"I'm sorry, Riley! I have to leave! My mom's sick, and she needs me! I have to go back!" Peyton pleaded.

"But I need you..." I looked up to see Peyton smiling softly.

"I love you, sunshine."

"Don't go... Please... Stay."

And then he grabbed my face and kissed me.

I stopped breathing.


That was scripted?!

"CUT!" Michael roared.

Peyton let go of me, blushing. "Sorry," he mumbled.

Michael approached us. "That was in the script? I'm sorry, I just got really surprised that it happened, and I wasn't prepared... I should've-"

"No, you did great, Rowboat. The thing is; the kiss wasn't scripted."


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