Chapter 7 - Peyton's POV

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I know what I did.

I checked my Instagram. I had 27K+ notifications and 290+ direct messages. I clicked into the DM area and scrolled through all of them. I saw the majority of them as Rucas/Reyton fanpages.

Then I went to my Twitter and my phone lagged for around 3 minutes. It was exploding.

I needed to take a break. This wasn't working. What's worse, Sabrina's party was tomorrow night. I couldn't just walk out with Olivia. I would either be called a player or a heartbreaker. I wanted neither of that.

I called Bradley for help.

"Hey, dude," Bradley said casually.

"Okay, imagine if you were going to a party with someone that's not Sabrina. And imagine if-"

"Dude, your Twitter and Instagram accounts are blowing up! Switch on the TV," Bradley sounded so amused.

I found my remote and switched on the television.

"Peyton Meyer, star of the popular TV Show Girl Meets World, has gotten himself into quite a load of mess after this morning's live taping of GMW," the reporter said. "Fans say that he said quote, "I love you, Rowan,' instead of Riley, the character Blanchard, age 16, plays. Here are some clips."

The screen suddenly shows two teenage girls screaming. I think I remember seeing them there...

"I don't know! It happened! It just happened! I'm so happy about it, I can barely breathe," said the girl in the pink shirt.

"Oh my god! He was so love-struck! He looked so in love with Rowan, and I was literally crying!" Said the other girl.

I sighed. What. Have. I. Done.

"On the other hand, some Lucaya and Peybrina fans, are upset and disappointed about the situation."

The screen switches to a blonde girl fuming. "Ugh, why did he have to say that? I mean, keep your feelings to yourself, it's not scripted! Don't make the fans be all fangirling or upset. Choose the blonde! BLONDES ARE ALWAYS THE BEST!" I shook my head.

A ginger girl said to the interviewer, "Well honestly, even though I'm a Lucaya shipper, I respect both ships. I'm quite disappointed, but I feel happy for the Rucas/Reyton shippers. " I switched off the TV, not wanting to hear anymore critical comments on me.

"Dude, you're all over the news!" Bradley shouted into the phone.

"Listen, I'm in a crisis right now and you're no help. At all."

Bradley snorted. "I'm not the one who can't hide his feelings for his crush."


Sabrina's party was in an hour. I put on my red shirt and paired it up with a black tux and pants.

I drove to Olivia's house, nervously biting my lips. Her mom and her were standing on the doorstep, all groomed and posh (is that a word? Um, okay). Olivia was in an emerald green gown. Her hair was in a do and there was glitter in it. that even illegal? She was holding a yellow handbag and her face was so overdone with makeup I couldn't even see her.

I got off the car, and she squealed. Her mom pulled us aside before letting us go.

"No snogging, kissing, drinking- it's okay for Peyton, not you, Livia, no flirting, no smoking, no sex and no baby making. Got it?"

I nodded my head, trying to contain my laughter.

"Ugh, fine! You're embarrassing me!" Olivia pouted and stalked towards my car without permission or whatsoever.

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