Chapter 6 - Sabrina's POV

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There was something wrong.

I could feel it.

Peyton was loud. Rowan was quiet.

That wasn't normal, was it?

I prepared for the live taping while thinking to myself. I slipped into Mays's outfit (a turquoise laced shirt, a leather skirt and a pair of flats) and walked out of my trailer.

The fans were screaming when I walked out. A couple were crying and some were handing me their copies of my album. I smiled; they were all so sweet and adorable!

We tried filming the ending scene of Girl Meets Home in the end, which was basically an episode where Lucas had to go back to Texas for a family reunion, and Riley sells everything she has and earns money for a flight to Texas.

"ACTION!" Michael screamed like a pigmonkey- sorry, roared.

"Riley," Danielle, who played Topanga said slowly. "Please don't set a bad example for you brother. I don't want him to grow up and sell his properties and travel to another part of the country."

"But mom-"

"Riley, I understand that you're 16, and you love Lucas, but that really doesn't mean you can buy a plane ticket to Texas," Cory, played by Ben shook his head. "Plus, we used our money to buy your properties! I don't want half of my life's salary spent on a plane ticket. A single pl-"

"That's enough, Cory," Topanga/Danielle gave her husband a disapproving glare.

The fans cover their mouths to prevent laughing.

"Look, dad, mom! I...the past two weeks have been torture without Lucas," Rowan who played Riley was crying. Um, fake crying? Wait, what? Rowan never cries on set. "I need him in my life. I can't bear to be anywhere else without him. I'm pretty sure you two get it as well as I do."

"Aww," Maya/I said sarcastically.

Ben and Danielle looked at each other, smiling.

"Yeah," Ben said. "Trust me, I know the story."

And then Peyton crashes the party. Whoopee.

"Mr. and Mrs. Matthews, I promise it's not Riley's fault. Don't do anything to her. I promise it's not her fault. I made her go to Texas, and I'm a very, very bad person. I'm sorry-"

"It's okay, Lucas. Riley's told us all about it," Ben tilted his head to the side. "Take a seat."

Lucas- wait, Peyton, sat down on the couch carefully. "Yes, sir?"

Ben and Danielle sat down next to him, giving him pats on the back. "Riley, here's a good guy," Ben smiled. "Take good care of her for me, Lucas."

"I will, sir," Hopalong said stiffly. I chuckled. Peyton stood up, pulling Rowan up with him.

"Why'd you go after me, Riles-"

"Only I get to call her that, Ranger Rick," I cut in.

"Don't ruin the moment," Danielle winked. I rolled my eyes.

"Why?" Their foreheads touched. AWAWAWAWAWWWW.

"Because...home is where you are," Rowan smiled. EVEN MORE ADORABLE.

"I love you, Rowan," Peyton said. And the fans started to scream.

"CUT!" Michael really screamed like a pigmonkey.

"Oh my god!"

"Did he just say I love you to Rowan?"

"My ship is sailing!"

Most of the fans were crying and bawling their eyes out. The others were not. I sighed. Lucaya shippers.

Rowan had a shocked look on her face. I could tell she was surprised.

"Peyton, why did you...oh, God," I heard her mutter.

"I'm sorry," Peyton shouts to the crowd. "I know Rowan too well I forgot to say Riley."

I shook my head. He was so bad at this!

"Clear out, people, clear out," Michael said into his mic which blared out 10 times louder.

The fans left, screaming and some were disappointed that they didn't get to take pictures with us.

Michael and a short, fat guy pulled Peyton aside and muttered something.

"Rowan," I was waving in front of her face. Her face was still really shocked. Her mouth was gaping open, and her eyes were as big as pancakes. (Get my reference? Short stack of pancakes? Haha?)

"ROWAN!" I shouted, making her jump.

"What?!" She said crossly.

"Come 'ere," I yanked her and Corey towards the "Topanga's" set. Peyton came over a few seconds later, his face all worried and stuff.

"Sit," I barked at him as if he was my dog. He obeyed. HA. THANK YOU I AM SABRINA. *Bows*

"There's something going on here, Corey," I glared at Rowan and Peyton. "And I don't like it."

"What's happening? Something's fishy," Corey read my mind. #Physics

"Um... Nothing. I am a really serious actor, and I like to do things seriously. I was very into my character, Lucas, as you already know-"

"Cut it," I squinted my eyes at them. "What's happening?"


"Peyton climbed the pipe up to my room yesterday and he wanted to look at my diary and he was flirting with me and then I tripped on top of him and we kissed and I liked it and then he sorta asked me out but ten my mom came to my room so he climbed back down the window and told me to call him," Rowan blurted out. "Oops."

Peyton face palmed but there was a hint of him smiling.


"Hey, I'm sorry! I blurt things out whenever Sabrina gives me her cold glares," Rowan's face went really red.

"It's okay," Peyton looked at her adoringly and snuggled her. Um...I think I'm gonna go puke. Hold on a sec. Be right back.

"Guys... You do realise that the paparazzi is around everywhere. And after what happened... The fandom will go crazy," I pointed out. They have gotten themselves into a load trouble.

"As long as Rowan's here with me, I'm fine with anything," Peyton flushed a deep shade of pink.

"Aw," Rowan gushed.

Corey and I exchanged a glance. This was not good.


Sorry for short chapter! This is sabrinas POV so yeah. ILYASM can I wake up to 1K reads, 150 votes and 120 comments? Tysm
I was also hoping you guys could check out the #rachmeets5K hashtag on Instagram? I'm trying to reach 5K before my birthday (26/8; which is in 8 days) and I was hoping you guys could repost! I would be forever in your debt. Thank you so much! Xx goodnight 💜🌙🌍 -rach

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