Chapter 8 - Rowan's POV

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I felt like my heart has been ripped out of my chest, thrown onto the ground, stepped on and dumped into the trash can.

How could he? For once I understood the word broken.

I felt hot tears burning the back of my eyes. Slowly, a tear trickled down my cheek and then came the waterfall of hurt, betrayal and pure sadness. Tanner and Sabrina hugged me and patted my back, telling me it was okay. But it wasn't. He cheated on me. He crushed me.

Olivia finally pulled away and she had a smug look on her face. Peyton was panting and he looked dreadful. He didn't care about the paparazzi though... The first thing he did was find me.

"Rowan!" He jogged towards me and the cameras were clicking away crazily. I started to run.

I couldn't stand it. He was a cheater, a heart-breaker and a two timer. I kept running and running and running until I pushed the door open and felt the cool air in my face, calming me down. I ran into a narrow alley a few blocks beside the building and slumped down against the wall, hoping no one would find me.

Thoughts were swimming around in my head; what did Olivia have that I didn't? Did he think she was prettier? Or richer? Taller? Sweeter? Funnier? Nicer?

I guess I never really had a chance with a guy three years older.

"What are three years in the history of love?" The quote from Maya suddenly popped into my brain. I shook my head, trying to stop having high hopes; because every time I did, they end up clattering on the floor, shattering to pieces like my heart.

Just when I thought only my thoughts were with me, I heard a soft voice saying, "Rowan?"

It was him, his green eyes desperate and glittering with tears, his face flushed, and his brown hair tousled.

"Go away," I said, wiping my tear-stained face.

"Look, I can explain-"

"That's what they always say," I said coldly.

"Please," he sat down beside me and held my hand but I flung his away.

"Don't touch me."

He looked so hurt I would've hugged him in any other situation. But not this one.

"You broke me but then you fixed your mistake. I trusted you, and believed in you, but you broke me once again. Do you expect me to give you another chance and to love you again? I gave you two chances, and you lost them. You didn't treasure them so now you're losing me. Doesn't matter much, does it?" I laughed heartlessly. "You never cared, didn't you?"

I could feel my words sting right through his heart. And I was glad that it did.

"If you 'knew' I would break your heart, then why did you love me?"

I froze.

"Why do you wanna know if you don't care?"

"I do care."

I hesitated. "I loved you because... You made me feel like there was hope in this world. I loved it when your eyes would sparkle when you were happy, how you would bite your lips when you were nervous, how you lent me a shoulder to cry on when I needed to, and how you made me feel like I was finally something or someone special," I felt tears streaming down my face freely. "And you know what? I hate myself for loving you. Because even if I know the age difference between us, and that you would break my heart a thousand times, I would still love you. I try loving another person and changing my feelings, but I can't. Because I'm in love with you. And I can't stop it."

I guess he was taken back and shocked because his eyes were as wide as saucers and he was stuttering.

"You... You noticed? You noticed all those s-stuff about me? Why didn't you ever tell me...?"

"It doesn't matter anymore."

He was about to say something when a few reporters and cameramen shouted, "Look! I found them!"

I swore under my breath and stood up.

Someone shoved a mic in my face, causing me to stumble backwards.

"Rowan, we know something is going on between you and Peyton. But after what we've just witnessed, it seems like Peyton has found himself a new girl! What are your thoughts about it?" Asked the reporter.

"Get out of my way," I growled. Drama. Too much drama. Pushing all the cameras and reporters aside, I stalked down the road, ignoring all the flashes of the cameras and shouts of the reporter and Peyton.

The lights are so bright but they never blind me.


Question; if I wrote a RUCAS fanfic would you read it? Comment please! -xoxo, Rach

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