The Guy Who Spoke Up

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I wait for Stiles, facing for door because 1.) I forgot the key to the door, and 2.) I don't want to talk to an angry Stiles. I would've called Kira to avoid talking to Stiles, but I also forgot my phone in the room. So instead, I stuff my face in the bag of chips. How am I going to survive this night?

As I look down on the bag of chip, I notice a black sloppy writing in the back side. What is this? I realize that the sloppy writing is a phone number. Aaron's phone number. How did he do this so quickly? I lose all my thoughts as Stiles gently push me aside to insert the key.

We finally enter inside the room, myself racing towards the bed. With the bag of chips still in my grip. The abyss of this day felt too overwhelming for me to contain. First, the posters in the school, then meeting Aaron at Starbucks, calling my mom and Kira, bucking this damn hotel room, meeting Aaron again, and now, seeing how Stiles is so silent, something is going to happen. This day has given me too many mixed emotions.

As the door completely closed shut, Stiles looks at me, with his face full of distraught. Here it comes.

"Why were you guys talking about-"

"I don't want to talk about this." I interrupted, wanting to avoid this situation.

"This is what I don't understand! You don't talk to me about how you truly feel about anything! But here you are, talking to a guy you literally just met today about how you feel!"

"Why should I tell you about how I feel when you don't tell me how you feel?" I instantly regret what I said, and I sit back up. Of course he shared his feelings with me! I'm the one who never did the same towards him. My mouth just spoke before my mind could even comprehend what's happening.

"I don't share my feelings with you?!" Stiles basically yell for everyone to hear.

"Hey! Shut up! We're trying to sleep!" A man says, banging his hand against the wall from the room next to us. I look at the alarm clock and it says that it's 10:47pm right now.

"I don't share my feelings Lydia?" He ask in a rhetorical question.

All I do is look at him. And I could see the anger and disappointment from his eyes.

"Lydia! I told you how I felt about you! Is that not enough for you?"

His fingers run through his hair in frustration. I watch him as his anger overcomes every bit of the Stiles I think I know. He looked like he need to punch something. Hit something. To let out his anger. Usually, Jackson would let his anger out on me for everything. But Stiles, he's different. He would never hurt me. All he does is walk around. Then, he suddenly pause and takes a deep breath.

"Lydia." He nearly whispers, and looks back at me. His eyes are so gentle now. "I love you. I told you that many times. I've even used the word 'like' to sugarcoat it and not freak you out. But me saying 'I like you' is such an understatement. Because it's more than that."

I don't respond. All I do is stare and listen. Because sometimes, the only thing a person wants, is for someone to listen.

"I love the way you stick up for yourself. I love the way you don't care about what people thinks about you. I love how you defend the ones you love, even though they don't ask for your help. I love how even though you're broken, you still care for others. Do you understand, Lydia? I love every single thing about you. I love how you bring your hair behind your ear, then bring it back to your face. I love how you seem so interested to go out and explore. And I love being there, living every experience with you. I love how you still care about the people around you, and how you don't want them to feel that same pain you've experienced. I love how you look at yourself in the mirror. Not in a conceded or insecure way. You look at yourself in the mirror to reassure yourself that you're still here. You're still living. That you're still strong."

"You see that?" I give him a patronizing look. How can Stiles be so sweet to me when all I've done is hurt the people around me?

"Yeah." He stares at me for a while, then he looks down.

That was the first time anyone has ever told this to me. The first time anyone has every paid attention to me. The first time I've every actually been in love with a person who loved me back. The first time...

Stiles POV:
As I look back up, my eyes meet Lydia's. She gets up from her bed and run towards me. I think she's about to cry. But why? Did I do something wrong? Once she reaches me, she hugs me with her soft arms around my neck. Her face laying on my broad shoulder. I hug her back. I hug her as gentle as possible, but still hugging her tightly. I don't want to her go. I don't want her to let go and leave me.

She finally releases, which now means I have to let go too. I find a test falling down her cheek. It hurts to look at her. To see her cry. But this was different. She was smiling. A genuine smile.

"I love how only I can make you smile." I whisper, wiping her year away with my finger.

"What do you mean? Kira makes me smile. At times I smile when I won the battle between me and Malia. Ughh I hate her so much." She looks back down.

"That's no what I mean." I lift her chin up, so she could see how sincere I am when I say this. "I love how I'm the only one who's able to make you smile with a real, genuine smile."

There's a pause, but I don't mind, because just looking at her, no matter how much it hurts me, gives my hope that in the end of everything, we'll still be okay. We'll still be together.



"Have you had your first time yet?"

My eyes are wide open. Trying to see if there's any humor in her eyes. Nope, she's serious.

"I... ahhh... wait. What... how did you even think-"

"You were the first person who loved me back."

"Oh. I don't think we should do that. I want you to be sure about this."

"I am. Do you not want to do this?"

"No! I mean yes! I do. Jesus, I do want to. Trust me. But I don't think that we should do this right away."

"I guess you're right." She pulls away from my grip and heads to here bed.

"Are you mad?" I ask Lydia, because I really don't want her to get the wrong idea.

"Why would I be mad?" She gives out a small giggle. "I'm just really hungry. That snack didn't exactly contain my hunger." She shoves the bag of chips in the small pocket of her backpack. "Do you wanna go eat out. I have like $11 in here. I'll eat anything."

"Sure! I'm starving too. Do you want Jack In the Box?"


"In and Out?"

"Not in the mood for that."

"You just said you'll eat anything."

"Yeah. Anything that's not Jack in the Box or In and Out."

"Okay, how about McDonalds?"

"Ummm.... no." She shakes her head vigorously.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, and give out a sigh. "Panda Express. Do you want some Panda Express?"

"Uhhh, maybe."

"I'm taking that as a yes!"

Author's Notes
Hey wonderful people of the internet! Really hoping you know who I am by now XD
Questions for this Chapter (do yo homework and answer these)
*** haha omg just playing! You don't have to answers these if you don't want to.
1.) Do you like this chapter?
2.) Do you like Stiles POV?
3.) Do you think Lydia and Stiles will end up together?
4.) What do you think about Aaron?
*** p.s if you're wondering who Aaron is, I casted him with Franisco Lachowski. Picture of him above.
5.) Did you get the feels?

We are halfway done with the story!!! Omg wow it went by so fast! Next couple of chapters are going be BIG!!! Can't reveal too much. But yeah, Bye COOKIEMONSTERS!!! (should I call you guys that from now on?)🍪🍪🍪
I absolutely love people who comment (especially when they're funny!!) So THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY DAY

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