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Lost: Somewhere in Time

Copyright © 2015 J.C. Gunn

TIME-COORD: 12/21/2039/1030hrs. GEO-COORD: Cleveland, North American Alliance. Vector: Null.

They came to James' classroom on Tuesday morning. His eighth grade history class was learning about the War of 1812. James had always enjoyed studying history. The headmaster of the University School interrupted the lecture, stepped over to James' desk and gestured for him to get up and follow the gray bearded academic into the hall. James noticed that the school nurse and chaplain were both waiting in the empty corridor. Between them was a man in a dark suit. James did not recognize him, but he knew something was wrong, terribly wrong.


Five years later, James had turned 19 and was of legal age. He quietly finished the last exam of his final year at the prestigious boarding school he had attended for the last eight years and was checking his essay on the padd one last time before turning it in. He and his three best friends had all stayed an extra year to complete all of their General Education requirements before starting a three year University program. He was sad to be leaving the old boarding school which he had called home since his parents had died in a horrible aircar crash on that icy December night. Just as had happened five years earlier, the old headmaster opened the door and this time he just nodded for James to follow. The school's rules for visitors were slightly less restrictive for graduating seniors especially those with a full ride scholarship to Harvard. James' teacher gestured to the classroom door. "Please Mister Scott. You are excused; it seems that this must be important."

"Thank you ma'am, my exam is complete. I'll just be a moment."

James handed the padd to his teacher. The young woman smiled. "Another perfect score I'm sure. Take your time Mister Scott."

James left the classroom, quietly closed the door behind him and followed the headmaster. They walked silently through the empty hallway and to the inner sanctum of Dr. W.K. Gunn's office. Waiting in the comfortable old leather chair was the same attorney who brought the news of James' parent's death five years earlier. He seemed to be wearing exactly the same suit. The well-dressed man had a formal look on his face and a briefcase cabled to his wrist. "Mister James Scott II?"

"Yes sir."

"Please state your full legal name for the AI."

"James Robert Scott the Second."

The man keyed in a code on the side of the stainless steel case and tapped the print reader with his index finger. The man checked a series of photos on his tablet and then flashed James in the eye with a scanner. An AI comm link sounded from inside the case. "Retina scan confirmed, voiceprint analysis checks out. Identity confirmed."

"Mr. Scott, I have a letter for you. Please sign here."

The man handed James a sealed envelope. James signed the forms and the man gave him a strange salute as he departed the room. The kindly headmaster stood up and said. "I'll leave the room to you Mr. Scott. I'll be in the outer office if you need anything."

"Thank you sir, I'll just be a minute." The door closed and James opened the triple sealed package. Inside of the inner Mylar wrap was a faded old envelope. It was addressed to him at his address at school. He recognized his missing grandfather's handwriting. The postmark was March 3rd 1888, Cleveland Ohio. The room was empty and quiet. Only the sound of the cranky old fluorescent lights buzzing in the background interrupted the grave like silence. James opened the envelope. It practically disintegrated in his fingers. He carefully unfolded the thin yellowed parchment paper. He read the letter. James, if you are reading this letter things have gone badly. Please follow the attached instructions without deviation. My life depends on it. It was signed: Dr. James R. Scott, Senior.March 1st, 1888/November 27th, 2269, and points unknown.

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