Chapter 3.1 - The Observer (Part 1) [micro-chapter]

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Chapter 3.1 - The Observer (Part 1) [micro-chapter]

TIME-COORD: Web Year 977,802,701. SPACIAL-COORD: Sphere 01, Sagittarius Arm, +56047ly/-001deg-x/+011deg-z. Vector: Null

Two galactic spiral arms away from the Sol system, a nearly undetectable sphere orbited the galactic center seemingly alone in space. It was approximately 56,000 light years from the galactic core and was amongst some of the oldest metal-rich stars in the galaxy. The Sphere was old, but even its advanced age was only a fraction of the age of the galaxy. It was made of the material harvested from two complete solar systems. The sphere completely enclosed and captured all of the energy from the most stable of stars; a specifically tailored red dwarf. It was home to the galaxy's oldest surviving civilization...

On the inner perimeter of the sphere, a being shimmered into existence in a holographic chamber the size of a small moon. It took the form of Species-01, a Markovian. The strange creature was three meters tall and was a pulsating mass of grey-green protoplasm covered with an opaque leathery skin. It had six equally spaced eyes around a roughly hexagonal perimeter with an articulate tentacle below each multi-faceted eye. A few moments later, a second being appeared seemingly from nowhere. It took the form of Species-03, a Zeppelin. The massive creature was hundreds of meters in diameter and almost a kilometer in length. The sentient race of giant dirigibles had evolved in the middle layers of a gas world near the galactic core. With no need for artificial constructs of any kind, the ancient race had developed mental powers beyond comprehension.

The Markovian communicated silently with the Zeppelin. "Greetings Revered One. Observatories at the outer edge of this galactic quadrant have revealed a troubling issue."

The giant creature responded with powerful telepathic waves inherent to its present form. Continue.

The Markovian made a non-verbal command to an AI and a plan view of the spiral galaxy formed in the massive holo-chamber. The creature gestured to the three-dimensional representation. "Revered One, a source of modulated tachyons has been detected on multiple occasions."

The Zeppelin paused for an infinity of several seconds and stated telepathically. This is quite troubling. Are there any indications that this source is naturally occurring?

The Markovian answered instantly. "Negative. Only colliding/merging Black Holes can produce c+ virtual chrono particles. These detections indicate an artificial source."

This is troubling. The Council has long ago prohibited such research. The consequences of time loops and paradoxes are dangerous to the very existence of the universe.

The Markovian answered respectively. "Yes Revered One, it is so."

The giant creature gestured with a virtual tentacle to the image of the galaxy. Are we able to determine the location of the source?

"Only within a quadrant consisting of one partial and two full spiral arms; there are tens of thousands of stars in the detected area."

Direct all researchers to continue efforts to locate and identify the source. Dispatch quantum level micro-probes immediately and establish a search matrix.

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