Chapter Two

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"Daddy, you can go now." Penelope said with exasperation as Ronan stood in the doorway of the classroom holding onto the door frame with one white knuckled hand. His other hand was shoved down deep in the pocket of his jeans.

"You have my cell phone number in your backpack." he reminded his daughter. "And aunt Abigail's number and grandpa Bruce's number are in there too." Penelope nodded.

"I know, daddy. Now go." she said stomping her foot. Ronan knew he was embarrassing her. He looked around at all the other kids who were busy coloring and playing and then back at his little girl. She looked so grown up with her pink backpack over her shoulders and her yellow sun dress. Her black hair that was so much like her mothers was pulled back in a simple pony tail (since Ronan had not yet mastered the art of braiding) and while she had his grey eyes, they and her lips were shaped just like her mothers.

"Okay, sweetpea, I'm going. I love you." he said squatting down and hugging her and throwing a protective glare in the direction of some freckle faced red headed boy that was looking their way. He stood up and Penelope ran off into the room and Ronan wasn't sure how he managed to do it but he slowly managed to drag his feet back out to his truck.


"What are you saying?" Laura demanded, feeling her heart shatter into a million pieces and fall at Mason's feet.

"I'm saying that we just aren't working out." Mason replied smoothing his hand over his slicked back blond hair and adjusting his suit jacket.

"Not working out?" Laura yelled angrily. "We have been together for over two years! I thought we were happy! How are we not working out?"

"I knew you would be unreasonable about this." Mason said with a sigh. Laura looked at the man and wondered if he had lost his mind. She stomped her foot, nearly snapping the two inch heel.

"Unreasonable! Unreasonable! I will show you unreasonable you asshole! Two years of my life I gave to you. Two whole years! I bought us this house and I thought we were going to be starting our future together…" Mason cut her off with the raise of one of his soft business man hands that had never seen a hard day of labor in his life.

"That is not my problem, Laura. I never once let on that I wanted any kind of a permanent future with you." Laura rolled her eyes and laughed harshly.

"I think that's kind of implied after the two year mark, Mason." she said matter of factly.

"Well you see I was going to leave a long time ago but the sex with you is some of the best I've ever had." Mason replied as if his words were completely logical and reasonable. Laura however had to fight the urge that suddenly came over her arm to slap that smug look right off his face.

"Isn't that ironic.. You pretended to love me because you thought the sex was good and I loved you even though the sex was terrible." She spat raising her brow and crossing her arms over her aqua colored camisole. Mason shook his head and picked up both his suitcases off the floor.

"I am not going to fight with you Laura. We are done. We've been done for a while." he said calmly. Laura wanted to claw his eyeballs out so that would not be able to look at her like she was an angry child.

"We have?" she asked. "I didn't hear you telling me we were over last night. What was that a farewell screw?"

"I have to go, Laura, or I'll be late for work. I've got a heck of a court case to get through today." Mason said looking at his watch. Laura nodded and waved toward the door.

"Go then , I would hate for my broken heart to make you late for work." she said. She wanted to cry but she bit the inside of her cheek and held the tears back. She would be damned before she let him see her cry. Mason nodded and walked to the door. He stopped before he walked out and looked back at her.

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