Chapter Five

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Laura groaned as she raised her hand to her aching head and opened her eyes slowly. She was grateful that the curtains were closed in her room blocking out the bright morning sunlight.

How had she gotten in her bed? She looked down at herself and realized she was still wearing her clothes from the night before, even her shoes. She sat up and thought back to the night before and tried to remember what had happened through the fog in her head.

She remembered getting more drunk than she had ever been in her entire life. She remembered the four men forcing her out the door and then Ronan had been there and he had saved her. She groaned when she thought of Ronan… She was fairly certain that she had vomited on his boots before passing out in his arms.

He must have brought her home and put her to bed. She tried to ignore the way her body heated at the thought of Ronan being in her bedroom. There was no way she wanted a relationship with a man…. Even one as deliciously sexy and amazing as Ronan.

What she needed was a shower, some aspirin, a cup of coffee and she would worry about how to face Ronan come Monday when he came to the house for work. She really did not know what she would say. 'Gee Ronan, thanks for saving my butt after I got drunk off my ass and acted like a slut all night. Oh yeah by the way I'm sorry I puked on your shoes… My bad'. Lauran groaned again and threw herself back down on the bed. She took a deep breath and froze.

She smelled coffee and bacon. While her stomach turned at the thought of food, the coffee was definitely tempting. But who was in her house making coffee and bacon? Laura looked around the room for a weapon and didn't see anything. She took off her high heels and decided that one of those would make as good a weapon as any.

She held the shoe out in front of her and opened her door quietly. She tiptoed down the stairs and took a deep breath before counting to three and running into the kitchen.

"Good morning." Ronan said as he sat a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast on the table. Laura winced at the loudness of his greeting and stared at him as if he was crazy.

"What are you doing here?" she demanded. Ronan turned away from her and filled a coffee cup before setting it down next to the plate.

"Are you gonna stab me with your shoe or are you going to sit down and eat?" he asked pointing at the place he had set on the table. Laura blushed and sat the shoe down on the floor before taking a seat.

"What are you still doing here?" she asked again as she took a grateful sip of her coffee.

"You're welcome." Ronan said irritably as he sat down with his own plate of food and coffee cup. Laura sighed and felt guilty for being so rude.

"I'm sorry." she said. "Thank you for breakfast, even though I really don't think my stomach is up for eating it and thank you for the coffee. And thank you for helping me last night."

"You're welcome for all three." Ronan replied before shoveling a forkful of eggs into his mouth.

"I don't usually act the way I did last night." she added feeling an urge to defend herself. For some reason she didn't want Ronan thinking bad about her.

"Okay." he said simply before taking a large bite of his jelly covered toast. "You know the sooner you get some solid food into your stomach the better you'll feel."

"You have experience with hangovers?" she asked looking at him over her coffee cup as she took a sip. Ronan couldn't help but chuckle.

"Not recently but back when I was younger I had a couple." he replied. Laura couldn't help but laugh and she saw an odd look come over his face as he looked at her.

Wounded HeartsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora