Chapter Eight

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"Abigail is Penelope's aunt?" Laura asked once they were on the freeway and headed toward Savannah. Ronan nodded.

"I guess I forgot to introduce you." he replied. "She's Amelia's sister."

"What about your family?" Laura asked. "I never hear you talk about them."

"I don't have family." Ronan replied. "I was an only child and my parents are gone. Amelia's family is my family." Laura nodded and changed the topic to the weather. The two of them made small talk and laughed and joked the rest of the way to Savannah.

Ronan looked around the city as they drove through it. Obviously Laura's mother was rich because they were in the wealthy part of the city. The part of the city that had remained practically unchanged since civil war times. The large white buildings and plantation like houses. The cobblestone sidewalks lined with pedestrians strolling slowly and the large weeping willow trees and Spanish moss made you feel almost as if you had stepped back in time.

"I knew your family was rich but wow… this place is impressive." Ronan said as they pulled up in front of a large white house with black shutters, a black door and huge white pillars on the wraparound porch holding up the wraparound balcony.

"You can still back out." Laura said as she put the car in park. Ronan looked over at her and was tempted to tell her just how wrong she was but stopped himself. Laura was the first woman since Amelia's death to make him want to fall in love again and he was going to try hard to let go of the past and do just that. It was far too late for him to back out now.

"Naw, I'm a southern man. I don't have legs made for backing out." he replied with a grin. Laura smiled gratefully and the two of them got out of the car. Before they even made it to the door it was thrown open and a tall slender blond ran out with her arms open wide.

"Oh my baby girl I've missed you!" the woman exclaimed wrapping her arms tight around Laura. Ronan stood there awkwardly waiting for the woman to acknowledge him.

"Hi mom." Laura said breathing in the comforting scent of cinnamon that was always present on her mothers clothing from her love of baking.

Helen pulled away from her daughter and turned her attention to Ronan.

"Mom, this is Ronan. Ronan, this is my mother Helen Green." Laura said quickly. Helen lowered her tiny rectangle framed glasses on her nose and gave Ronan a long, assessing look. He was tall, much taller then her five foot three inch daughter. He had thick chestnut hair that had just a bit of curl to it and fell carelessly across his forehead. He had a storm grey eyes and a strong jaw and right now that jaw was clenched nervously. Helen smiled warmly.

"I see what my daughter sees in you. You are very handsome." she said holding out her hand. Ronan looked over at Laura who let out a small sigh and shook her head as she looked down at he ground.

"Thank you, ma'am. I can see where Laura gets her good looks." he replied taking her outstretched hand and kissing it politely.

"Oh my!" Helen said putting her free hand to her chest. "A true southern gentleman! You did good, Laura. This one is much better then that last asshole." Helen turned away from the two of them and walked back up the porch steps.

"Well come on in and we can visit for a while." she called back to the two of them. Ronan held his arm out and Laura wrapped hers through it.

"Sorry about my mother. She just kind of says whatever pops into her mind without thinking."

"Must be where you get it from." Ronan replied with a grin.

"Yes it is." Laura replied, not even trying to deny it. Helen led them to a living room that was full of dark mahogany furniture and a very Victorian looking floral couch and armchair. Ronan looked at the giant ceramic cat in the corner and fought back a grin. The room was full of the most god awful decorations he had ever seen. He assumed Laura didn't like it and that's why she kept her house pretty empty.

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