Chapter Three

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Chapter Three


Rebecca groaned and stretched as she came to, remembering what had happened the night before. First she had been hit by lighting with the other offenders and then something freaky was going on with the water she'd picked up. This was what her life had been reduced to, making water steam for no reason. Getting up from her position on the floor she stumbled before regaining her balance on the corner on the table in front of her, she held on to it like a life line.

She eventually let go, turning to run up the stairs and pull herself together for the day.

Throwing on the first clothes she touched, Rebecca glanced at the clock before running down the stairs and out of the door. In her panic that she was going to be late she didn't notice the small flame that left her hand, not big enough to cause any damage or burn down the flat, but enough that she should have felt it. What she did instead was flick her hand, thinking that there was something on it, sending that small spark into the doormat where it left a tiny hole.

Rebecca was thankful that she lived close enough to the community center that she didn't have to get the bus. She arrived in time to see the probation worker taking everyone's phones, she felt her pockets and realized she'd forgotten to put it in her pocket. Tony had turned to face her once he'd taken Nathan's phone.

"Phone." He held his hand out. "Now." He basically growled at her.

"I don't have it." She tried to look as truthful as possible, she really didn't like the look of anger on his face as he snorted at her answer.

"Of course you don't. Give me your phone now or go to my office."

"I don't have it." She turned out her pockets, but this didn't placate him at all. It seemed to make him angrier.

"My office!" She gaped at him, then looked behind him at the rest of the group who seemed to find her situation very amusing, all apart from Simon that is.

"But I'm telling the truth!" She was so close to stomping her feet. Tony closed his eyes and took what appeared be an ineffective calming breath.

When he opened his eyes again, they were tinged slightly red and scared her enough to go to his office without further complaint. Looking back, Nathan blew her a kiss with a very smug smirk on his face. She pushed the doors of the community center open with a lot more force than necessary, causing the doors to hit the other side with a bang, and practically stomped towards Tony's office. She went in and sat on the sofa facing the desk.

It didn't take long for him to come after her. He took great care to not slam the door, closing it deceptively gently before going to sit on the chair behind the desk. Rebecca slumped against the sofa, really not in the mood for any of this and hoped that she would be let go from this awkward situation soon enough. She never thought she'd be jealous of the other offenders but at that moment she would have given anything to be one of them.

"So." He pulled out a slip of yellow paper. "Refusal to cooperate. That adds another three weeks on to your community service."

Rebecca shot up. "What! But I'm telling the truth!" He silenced her with the worst thing,are she'd ever been on the receiving end of. She gulped.

A loud bang was heard outside and Tony quickly got out of the chair to see what it was, taking her chances Rebecca got up and reached over the desk, grabbing the small piece of paper and sitting back down as quickly as possible. Luck was on her side when he didn't notice her. He was gripping the edges of the doorway tight enough that it had to be causing him pain, but he didn't seem to notice. He turned back around when she made a small noise and shook his head almost as if he was twitching, going back to his desk it was as if he had forgotten why she was even there jerking his head to one side he motioned for her to leave.

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