Chapter Five

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They stood there as they saw the reflection of the probation worker throw itself at the door in a desperate attempt to get in and get to them. Rebecca was still unaware that the tips of her fingers were flaming slightly, if she touched anyone they were sure to get burnt but luckily for her the attention was drawn away from her as Alisha spoke up.

"Maybe he's on crystal meth, my friend Chloe did it once and she wanted to shag her own brother." She paused. "And he's really ugly."

"We should call the police." Curtis suggested.

"He took our phone." Simon reminded him, Rebecca winced, that could be slightly problematic. She cursed the probation worker for being smart enough to take their only modes of communication, even though she of course hadn't even had hers in the first place, but still one of the others would have.

She stepped back as the probation worker threw himself at the glass door again; she felt someone standing close behind her but didn't take her eyes of the door to see who it was. But then all of a sudden it stopped, he appeared to have given up.

"It's stopped." Simon spoke the obvious, breaking the tense silence.

"Do you think we should check to see if he's still there?" Rebecca asked weakly, not moving from her position.

"No, no." Nathan started. "That's the worst possible suggestion I've ever heard. As soon as you open the door. Bamn! He's gonna chop your head off." He had turned her to face him so he could whisper the last part into her ear. She scowled at him, believing that although he was trying to help he still looked scared shitless and was trying to make himself feel better with humour, albeit dark humour.

Alisha had ignored the two of them completely and turned to Kelly, completely pissed. "You dickhead! Why did you come back here? You should have gone for help."

She shrank back as Kelly advanced on her, face tight. "What do you know bitch!"

Alisha wasn't scared enough to stop her retort. "Shut up, you chav."

This appeared to be the worst thing she could have said to Kelly as it sent her off on a rant. "You know if you call me a chav one more time I'll kick you so hard in the cunt, your mum will feel it."

Rebecca was completely baffled at the threat but it appeared that she wasn't the only one as Nathan soon spoke up. "Her mum'll feel it? How does that work exactly?"

His voice set Kelly off on another rant, not that Rebecca could blame her. Everyone seemed to be against her when all she had tried to do was help them. "He tried to kill me! I came back to warn you lot and I could of left you. I'm sick of every single one of you judging me so you can all just fuck off!" She shouted the last part, but Rebecca got the feeling it was more directed at Alisha.

There as a small silence before Rebecca felt like she was getting anxious, her palms were beginning to sweat. She rubbed her fingers against her palms and small sparks of flame dropped to the floor. She hissed as her foot suddenly burned, she looked down to see that there were tiny smoke trails leaving her shoe. She furrowed her eyebrows as she wondered what could have set fire to her shoe but she was taken off guard when Nathan started running, grabbing the back of her jumpsuit to make her run with him. "Out the back way!"

Rebecca twisted awkwardly to regain her balance but quickly kept up with the rest of the group as they ran down the hallway. They had just rounded the corner when Nathan, who was in the lead, suddenly slipped and fell to the floor. Rebecca stopped running and looked at what he had slipped on, almost gagging when it looked to either be red paint or blood and she desperately hoped it was the former. She knew deep down however that it wasn't, the metallic smell that accompanied it told her it was blood. And from the vast amount that was on the floor, and now on Nathan, it seemed unlikely that whoever's blood it was, was still alive.

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