Chapter Six

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Flames literally shot from her hands and were crawling up the probation workers body, his face was alright and twisting in agony as he screamed. But still he didn't stop coming for her. This guy must have been on drugs. She scrambled backwards as he got way too close for her liking, his face was practically melting off the bone and she had no idea how this guy was still alive.

His hands were reaching towards her a roar of rage left his throat and she thought he was going to get her until someone pulled her back. They wrapped their arms around her waist and literally pulled her off her feet until she was far away from the probation worker, who had hit the ground with a loud crack. Kelly had hit him on the back of the head with a paint can.

There was smoke everywhere and it left a creepy feeling around the room, Rebecca wondered why the fire alarm wasn't going off but came to the conclusion that this place probably didn't even have one but that was just a random thought on her mind. Her main problem right now was the dead probation worker who was sprawled out on the floor. The quickly went out of the open doors, thankfully there wasn't much but there were remains of it around the room, leaving an eerie fog.

It was all very climactic.

"Is he dead?" Alisha spoke up her hand covering her mouth as she trembled.

Nathan spoke from behind me, his hands still wrapped around Rebecca's waist. "Well I'm no expert. But do you see the way the back of his head's caved in?" His voice was shaky and he actually sounded like he was about to cry.

Kelly ignored everyone and had walked a little closer to the body, and we all jumped in unison as he sprang to life and grabbed her ankle, screaming "Chav!" Kelly didn't appear to like this as she kicked his hand off and stomped on his head until it cracked.

"I am not a chav!" And this time the probation worker, Tony, was truly dead. He was in a truly gruesome state, his face had third degree burns and the back of his head was smashed to pieces. He was spread eagled on the floor, glass surrounding him as he lay there. It was a sad sight.

"What do we do?" She asked, still staring at the sight before her. It was a good thing Nathan was practically supporting her because she was sure she would have sunk to the floor in despair. "What are we gonna do!?" She could tell she was getting slightly hysterical but at this point she was sure no one could blame her.

"Calm down for a start!" Kelly shouted, but Rebecca could tell that she was just as concerned as her, she had practically killed someone, Rebecca may have helped with the whole flame thing but Kelly had dished out the killing blow.

Rebecca nodded slowly, taking deep breaths. "Sorry."

"You killed our probation worker." Alisha gasped, looking between the two other girls.

"This is very, very not good." Nathan muttered, hiding his face in Rebecca's shoulder.

"We should call the police." Curtis suggested. "It was self defence." He was trying his best to not look at the corpse and instead focused on the faces of his fellow offenders.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, he's right." Alisha rambled. "We show them the dead body in the locker and they'll do some CSI shit and figure it all out."

Rebecca didn't have a better suggestion but apparently Kelly did. "They won't believe us!" She insisted, Rebecca hoped to God that wasn't true.

"We'll tell them the truth. We'll stick to our story." Curtis spoke, getting more scared and angry.

"And what's our story?" Kelly demanded. "She burnt half his face off, he can turn invisible and you can turn back time? It doesn't matter what we tell them they won't believe us, they'll say we killed them both! No one's gonna believe you not anymore!"

Rebecca hated to admit that what Kelly said sounded like the most probable scenario. No one was going to believe them because it sounded so ridiculous to even her ears and she had been the one throwing fire from her hands. She still couldn't believe it.

"If there's no body, there's no crime." Simon spoke quietly, Rebecca had actually forgotten he was there because he was so quiet, and of course she had more pressing issues to deal with like some psycho trying to kill her than worry about Simon's inability to make his presence known to the people around him. "We should bury them under the flyover."

"I don't like that idea." Rebecca muttered, taking a step away from Nathan's hands, he had seemingly forgotten they were even on her and stepped back from her as well. What she needed right now was some fresh air, she felt like she was going to explode.

"Yeah, how are we going to do that? Someone's gonna see us!" Alisha worried, hands in her hair as she tugged at the frizzy strands.

Nathan saw this as his opportunity to get them out of trouble, he had a gift for doing that and here it was at it's most useful. "No, no, no. We just give them the little-" He whistled. "We put them in those wheelchairs and if anyone see's us, we're just a bunch of young offenders taking a couple of specials out for a walk in the sunshine." His voice was breathless at the end of his speech as he got it all out in one.

This was the plan they decided on, first getting Tony onto one of the wheelchairs, then Gary who they had to pull out of the locker, he was really stuck in there. They had to take turns with who touched the body's because none of them had the stomach for it and after a few minutes they would start t gag and this would signal the next person's go.

Once they were as presentable as they were ever going to get, they wheeled the corpses out of the community centre and they soon arrived at the flyover. Finding a nice hiding spot that was very difficult to see because of the trees they started digging, Simon had paid enough attention to grab shovels for them all.

Rebecca tried her best to think about something else as she dug but she was finding it increasingly difficult. "Calm down." Kelly muttered to her, she still had raccoon eyes from where he makeup had run due to her crying earlier and she still looked frazzled but she managed to send a tense smile her way. Rebecca nodded and took a deep breath before attacking the ground with her shovel, determined to get this over and done with as quickly as possible.

"We don't tell anyone about this yeah?" Kelly asked intently staring them all down.

"I thought that was obvious." Rebecca muttered, tuning everyone else out knowing none of them would be stupid enough to admit to murder. She wiped some of the sweat that had formed on her forehead and lent on the handle of the shovel.

She tuned back into their conversation when Nathan accidentally hit her with his flailing hand. "Oi, watch it!" She pushed him away from her.

"Sorry love, but hold on. All of you has some kind of special power. Everyone can do something except me. He can do something." Rebecca dodged another hand as he gestured desperately towards Simon who flattened down his hair uncomfortably as the attention was drawn to him. "He can do something and I can't! That's ridiculous! Look at him! How does that make any sense!"

"Maybe you can do something." Simon offered "You just don't know what it is yet."

"Yeah!" Nathan beamed at the prospect and started coming up with ideas "Like, maybe I can't feel pain."

Kelly turned to him and slapped him over the head. "Did ya feel that?"

"Jesus! Stop hitting me!" He rubbed his head, his hair ruffling seemingly bigger from the stress. "What is it with girls and hitting me." He mumbled to himself.

"You have a quality." Rebecca shrugged, digging a little bit more. Nathan stopped digging and turned to her.

"What do you mean I have a quality?" He demanded, the current situation had obviously left his mind.

Rebecca regretted saying anything, now she had to talk to him for longer. "It's just, you annoy people."

He gaped at me. He pointed at himself. "I annoy people." He mouthed to himself. He seemed to seriously contemplated it for about two seconds before shaking his head. He picked up his shovel and started digging it again "That can't be it."

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