Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

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Rebecca would often look back at this moment in her life and wonder how exactly it happened, it wasn't a normal storm that was for sure, it was something completely different. She would never understand how it changed them all, how it changed her life. It was a warm summers day, the clouds came from nowhere, it just didn't make any sense.

She was nudged gently in the side by Nathan who winked at her, once she'd gotten out of his hug he'd taken one of the paintbrushes from her and opened up the cans of paint. She was wondering why he was being so nice to her, it was something she wasn't used to, usually people were either mean or just didn't notice her. She imagined the shy boy on the end felt the same, he seemed to be curling in on himself, hoping desperately not to be noticed by the loud mouthed Irish boy.

Rebecca dipped her brush in the paint and swiped it across the wood, smearing white all over it. "Would you look at that, you're a regular little artist aren't you!" Nathan grinned at her and jokingly flicked his paintbrush at her, she was immediately speckled with white paint.

She groaned. "Thanks for that."

"Anytime love." He leered at her, she blushed realising what he meant and turned away from him, catching Kelly's eyes in the process. He seemed to realise that he'd scared her off a bit and turned his attention to some of the other people around. Rebecca jumped when one of the boys on the end starting shouting about paint on his hat, his fury amounted to a spilt paint can and a pushed over trolley.

Nathan chuckled before turning his attention to Kelly. "So I'm guessing shop lifting?" He asked her. "No?

"Don't act like you know me cause you don't." She snapped.

"I'm just making conversation. This is a chance to network with other young offenders. We should be swapping tips. Brainstorming." He softened his voice. "Come on, what did you do?"

"This girl called me a slag so I just got into a fight." Rebecca wasn't one to judge but she could totally imagine this in her head.

"Was this on the Jeremy Kyle show?" Nathan jokingly asked.

"No it was down Argos." She snapped.

"Argos?" Nathan nodded like this was a perfectly normal occurence. "You know you should have grabbed those little pens and jabbed it in her eye." Kelly sneered at him, while Rebecca just looked down continuing her painting.

It wasn't long before Nathan moved onto his next victim the shy boy on the end who he'd thoughtfully named 'Weird Kid'. Rebecca ignored him for some small talk with Kelly. They were interrupted when the poor boy got so riled up he blurted out his crime to Nathan, who stopped the weird grunting he was doing.

"What did you do?" Kelly asked.

"Me?" Nathan gave Rebecca a quick glance which she ignored. "I was done for eating some pick 'n' mix."

She couldn't help the snort that came out of her mouth. "They actually arrest people for that?" She stood up to face him better, her face showing her surprise when Nathan wrapped a hand around her waist and pulled her closer.

"It would appear so." His face was dangerously close to hers and his eyes kept flickering down to her lips. Rebecca's breath was coming faster than it ever had before, she got a grip of herself pulled back, not getting very far because Nathan wouldn't let her go.

"Um, if you're both down having eye-sex could you get back to helping the rest of us out." Kelly smirked, loving the way that Rebecca's face was engulfed in a blush, if only her friends were that easy to embarrass. Nathan slowly let her go, making sure to let his hands trail along her waist, Rebecca was determined to ignore the goosebumps that appeared all over her arms.

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