Chapter 4: Trouble in the City

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The three boys tumbled upon a city nearby. 
"A city! I wonder if they have coffee." Joshua says

Chris glares at Joshua. "Can you get any stupider?! Of course they have coffee, IN A CAFE YOU IDIOT!"

Joshua apologizes sheepishly.

Trevor steps in front of the two and sighs. "Come on, lets go."

They head into the city, and as soon as they step foot past the city line, everything is different. People everywhere, talking, yelling, and practicing sword play. THAT catches Trevor's eye. 
"Look! They're practicing!" He exclaims
Joshua is unamused, until he sees a cafe. "Hey look, there's coffee in there! COFFEEEE!" 

Chris tries to go after him. "Joshua wait-!!" but then a pretty girl catches his eye. "Woah...I-I'll be right back, Trevor." he walks towards the girl, and acts fancy. "Hello...girl." 

The girl turns to him and smiles. "Hi! I'm Sarah. What's your name?" 
Chris suddenly has no control of himself. "I'm Chris." 

"It's very nice to meet you!" 

Suddenly Trevor appears from behind Chris. 
"Hey, Chris. Who's this?" He asks

Sarah's eyes light up. He cute!! She thinks as she stares at him. 
"This is Sarah, Trevor." Chris says

Suddenly Joshua appears. "Hey guys! I got three mugs of coffee! Ya want any?" 
Chris rolls his eyes. "No, Joshua." 
Joshua shrugs. "Oh well. More for me." 

Trevor clears his throat. "Well, we've gotta run. Catch ya later, Sarah."

Sarah nods. "O-Okay." 
The three boys walk away.
Suddenly a scream is heard. "Ahh! MONSTER!" A woman yells

Trevor becomes very alert. "Come on guys! There's trouble afoot." 
Joshua seems to be in his own little world, and Trevor slaps him out of it. 
"Joshua! Come on!" 

"...YOU MADE ME SPILL MY COFFEE!" Joshua fumes in anger as he glares at Trevor.

Trevor rolls his eyes. "Nevermind that. We've got trouble on our hands." 
They find the monster, and suddenly a battle is created. 
Trevor poisons the monster, which is a dark wolf. 
Joshua pours the rest of his coffee on the dark wolf, making it mad. 

It charges at the three, viciously. 
Chris stabs it in the heart, killing it instantly. 

There's a few moments of silence and heavy breathing, and then suddenly the whole village cheers for them. 
"You saved us! Thank you, outsiders!" A man exclaims
All you had to do was stab it...Trevor thinks, but nods in response. 

Then the three head out of the village, awaiting their next adventure.

-To Be Continued- 

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