Chapter 7

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The more they moved closer to the city, the more Trevor's heart sank into his stomach.
"We are at a camp of corruption, we must be alert." Trevor warned his teammates. "Why I don't see any- uhhhhhh" Joshua was interrupted from a dagger that went straight through his ribcage,  he fell to his knees as his rib bones were heard moving around. They were loose.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA A DIRECT HIT!!!!!!" A voice from behind Joshua in the bushes yelled as he threw another at Sarah but it only got some of her side. "Ackkkk!"
She winced and shot fire at the bushes and made a good shot this time and the bushes burned to ashes which made it easier to spot him.

"NO how dare you burn my stealth spots! You'll pay for this hyaaaaaaaaa!!!" The thing that threw the dagger was a human, a hunter, a cannibal.... it charged at Trevor and he dodged the attack and then slipped out a dagger from his robe and stabbed the man in the head where he now had gashes in his head.
"You'll pay for (coughs) DarkMage will consume you...alll........." The man said as he laid dead on the ground after saying his last words.

Trevor had a couple tears in his eyes for killing someone who was a hunter. Even though they were also a cannibal he felt sad for doing so and then Chris put a hand on Trevor's shoulder. "We must move NOW!" Trevor told them.

After a long walk they'd finally reached the city. It seemed spookier than expected which also freaked Joshua and Sarah a bit but Sarah tried to hide it. "uhhhh........ ummm........ Chris y-you wanna go first?" Joshua asked him. "Joshua, Trevor is going first." Chris facepalmed and then followed Trevor to a villager who had the eyes of a ghoul,  Trevor immediately blasted it with fire as it was about to attack them. He lowered his head in depression for doing this to these poor villagers but he had no choice. After searching building for a prison Trevor started to wonder if it was inside the castle the he could see but was too afraid to go up there without doing as the Goddess said so. So he searched more and finally found 1 that looked like it could have been it. Walking inside he saw a villager hiding behind a bar with a sign atop the bar saying please just leave me alone you disgusting man!
Not wanting to take any chances, Trevor quietly told his team to sneak away from the villager and they were successful.

A couple minutes later they found a cafe inside a building which caught everyone's eye since it was very weird seeing a shop inside a building. Joshua however becomes extremely excited and rushes into the cafe and finds coffee EVERYWHERE on tables, still nice and hot. Someone blind or something must have been working there because the man that is serving the coffee never notices Joshua. Joshua came out with 4 mugs of coffee and Chris slaps all of it out of his hands. "..YOU MADE ME SPILL MY COFFEE!!!" Joshua started to fume in anger and shoved Chris, so Chris shoved him back and then Trevor yelled at the top of his lungs and told them both to stop and after they went out of the building they saw another, went inside and actually found imprisoned people inside most of who were dead by most there were like dead bodies everywhere and then Trevor heard a cry for help coming from a locked door and rushed to the door. "Stand back. Yahhhh-ow." Joshua tried to punch the door open and made his knuckles bleed.
He healed and this suddenly made him realize something.
When did Trevor ever give him his powers? "Trevor I'M SO CONFUSED WHEN DID I GET MY POWERS?!?!?!?!" He asked Trevor. "I-I gave them to you while you were sleeping." He replied. "Ohhhhhhh... I don't get it." Joshua said and then the other 3 facepalmed and Chris punched him, then they moved through the door after burning it down.

They saw someone imprisoned after searching, the imprisoned one was broke free and they asked him a few questions. "Ok first prisoner! Do you have any idea why you're here?" Trevor asked the man. "No..." the man replied.
"Next question! What's your name?" "My name is Link. I was imprisoned here after training with a friend, darkness corrupted the city... I've been here ever since." Link explained and lowered his head holding back tears. "Link, we will escort you out. However, the gods have called upon you to help me." Trevor told him. "That would explain the voices in my head, however, I can't just trust some people who walk in claiming to be some idiots who just so happen to be my so called what 'team members?" Chris got mad and took Link by the arm and yanked him off the ground. "Read this note!" Trevor demanded. "T-these words I can't  read them BUT HOW?!?!?! even with someone's sloppy writing i can still read them but this- it speaks in a language  I do not understand." Link exclaimed and handed it back to Trevor in shock. "And... I can!" Trevor told Link and after this Trevor told him the words and showed Link the orb. He had no choice but to believe them.

"I see. Forgive me, for I did not believe because of how scared I am, BUT that no longer matters we must find my sword and shield, once we have those I will help you defeat this corruption beast that you speak of." Link told them.

After a bit of searching Joshua had found the 2 items, afterwards they went up to the castle or rather something like a castle, it had dead corpse everywhere on the ground, souls that they could all hear terrorizing them within their minds, and none other then the Corruption Master himself.

"I see some more worms to feed on! Ah yes the boy that I allowed to live, and yet you still try to get revenge on me killing your brother?! You're a foolish boy, just because you have friends now doesn't mean they'll be around later yahhhhh!" The monster shot a bolt if darkness at Trevor but Trevor used his light magic to stop it from coming.

"Ah seems this- mage over here has got some skill. I shall defeat you last human because here is my rules: 1 at a time okay? Starting with........ you!" He pointed at Sarah and when she was in the middle with him, he created a force field making sure none of her teammates could help.

"I may be a beginner to my powers but I WILL kill you!" She held up a small fireball in her hand. "Plllease, you couldn't hurt me with THAT if you tried HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" He told Sarah and she started to lose confidence when suddenly she threw the fireball automatically and instead of it coming out as a fireball it turned into a big fire ocean and it burned the corruption Master. He threw a great dark magic spell at her and she went unconscious immediately.

"SARAH NO!" Trevor yelled. the force field was gone and Trevor walked over to Sarah and carried her to a corner.

"Next you." He pointed to Joshua. "You will be easy, it's time to end you arosh-semoees-darkruhhh!" The Corruption Master threw a big darkness spell at Joshua but Joshua immediately dodged the spell and impaled the Corruption Master from behind which gave the Corruption Master a confused look and then Joshua cut deeper not really knowing what to do, when Joshua pulled out his sword he also cut the corruption Master's head off. The force field was gone, then suddenly... the light returned to the town and everyone was normal again.

Trevor saw the chest after he set Sarah down beside him he opened it up and an orb with the symbol of a sword was inside. This gave the 2 swordsman energy and a paper was also inside.

You have done well my young and brave hero. You were able to kill the Corruption Master known as Tyler with ease. But, your quest is not quite done. You must travel northeast of here and find a cave. Deep within is prisoners and a group of 10 mages and warriors. Find the prisoner girl known as Dawn and defeat this group with her for your next mission. go now hero!
-so says I, Goddess Katelyn

~2 hours later~

Sarah had woken up and Trevor explained who they must find and where they're going. Next they all went to sleep for the night and they were all filled with fear, this gave them all nightmares. They were finally awake and moving out towards the cave with wonder and fear.

Pretty good right? Cya later and i hope you enjoyed the chapter ☺

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2017 ⏰

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