Chapter 10

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Chesa's POV 

I sat on my desk in my room, trying to do some questions on my economics homework and also trying to finish my media photography analysis on each photo that my teacher had sent us. I ate my potato chips at the same time and sometimes would get distracted by eating. It's been like a solid hour of doing homework that I've decided to take a break for 30 minutes. 

I've noticed a message from Genko,but I decided I'll reply a bit later as I can see, only sent it a minute ago. I tapped on Tadashi's convo and tried to type saying hello or something like that. I was hesitating to press the 'send' button again. Why is this such a struggle?

"Come on Chesa. You did this before, you can do it again." I closed my eyes and pressed the send button and I felt my heart racing as it said delivered. Omg it actually sent. I threw my phone on the bed to avoid checking the message. 

I've waited and waited and waited, for fairly a long time now and my break was almost over. He probably 'seen' me, or hasn't seen the reply.

Maybe some bitch looked at the messaged and decided not to tell him in which he doesn't know that I sent him a message., I'm just over thinking a little too much.

The I realize that I'm forgetting to reply to someone else.

"Oh my gosh! Genko!" I quickly tapped on his message and said 'hey' with a smiley face. I got back to work as I was slowly trying to concentrate on my studying. 

Then my phone vibrated on the desk and saw Genko's message.

"You take 10 years to reply haha." He says. I laughed. It's only been like 7 minutes since he sent a message to me.

"Sorry I was doing homework." I replied back. I clicked back and clicked on Tadashi's convo. 

Still hasn't seen it just yet. Maybe he's busy. Busy doing some badass delinquent stuff I guess. My phone vibrated in the desk again.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll let you study now. :)" Aww that's kinda sweet of him.

"Oh nah I don't mind chatting while I do homework."

"I don't really wanna distract you on your studying. :(" Awww, that really is sweet of him. He even put a sad face but really, I really don't mind chatting while studying to be honest.

"Nah, I promise you that your not distracting me. :)"


"Definitely :)" I continued to talk with Genko and work through the rest of my homework. It was actually a relaxing and balancing to get away from the stress and anxiety.

Time passed by very quickly as I finally finished everything and not one bit, I didn't get that distracted while talking to Genko. After replying to him, I checked my conversation tab of Tadashi. 

Still nothing and hasn't replied yet. I sighed. How do people not see messages from others? Why do they take even that long to reply? Unless they got no mobile data on or there Wifi broke.

Maybe I should ask Genko for advice? He is an guy after all. 

"Hey Genko....." I typed.

"Yes Chesa?" He replied and I can tell that he was concern even if I wasn't talking to him physically.

"This guy I'm talking to, named Tadashi, well I've been trying to have a normal conversation ever since and, it was so hard to talk to him in person and I can't seem to hold one online either."

"Is this guy named Tadashi Kenji?"

"Yes it is." Genko took a bit of time to reply back to me.

"Well, I guess you keep trying on making a conversation and just talk random things."

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