Chapter 36

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A/N Notes: Hello guys! I love to proudly announce that I have reached 10K reads for FMH! Finally hitting the 10K mark and this story has been around for almost half the year now. Thank you so much for the mad support! Keep voting, commenting and sharing this story around!

Previous chapter notes, I have showed you the confirmed cast actor that I think would play as one the characters. Now I have completed the main 3 characters cast. Kathryn Bernardo as Chesa Yuudai, Dean Fujioka as Genko JayVee and James Reid as Alejandro Henderson. The reason I picked those actors as they all should look similar to the fictional characters appearances. Genko was sort of hard to find until I watched a recent Japanese drama originally from a manga I read called 'Please Love the Useless me' which I thought Dean Fujikoa was perfect, and he also looked accurate to the manga character as well.

The reason that Nadine Lustre isn't Chesa Yuudai as I have to change James Reid to play as Genko which I don't think he would fit the role, then the story would be a Jadine story. As much as I love Jadine love team, I personally don't think its possible :( (pls forgive me) but I'm sure many filo love teams have movies that they aren't together. Erich Gonzales wasn't with hers in this movie called 'Suddenly It's Magic' .

I also thought of a opening song that I found on Pop Asia if this were to become a live action/teleserye. Its called 'Speaking' by Mrs Green Apple. I had looked up English translation and does sound like a slice of life high school type of song for this type of story. :)

Sorry for the very long author notes hahaha. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter, as I can finally begin to post the next event/arc that's coming in the next few chapters! :)

Chesa's POV

I went downstairs to my cousins who were watching a basketball anime which looked familiar, but they were all on their phones, being anti socials. I went and sat in the sofa between Julian and Ama, grabbing a lot of melted chocolate on the table and eating it, not caring that it was melting on my fingers. I felt my phone vibrate on my lap as I immediately looked at the screen.

"I'm back babe. Practice went a bit longer than usual." It was a message from Genko. I looked at it annoyed, as I licked my fingers clean from the chocolate. Then one of my little cousins handed me a tissue, I thanked her and patterned her head while I whipped my fingers dry.

Thinking about what Eclair said about me made my blood boil but, I tried to not show it to my cousins and keep a straight face. I began to reply back to Genko.

"Oh hey." I replied back, not bothered to add more words to it. This isn't how I usually talk to him. I saw the three dots in the bubble speech on Genko's side, typing back to me.

"How was your day today?" He says. Oh yeah, it was fun. Fun until I saw that bitch's back stabbing responses about me that what's fun.

"Oh yeah, it was fun." I typed back the exact thought before my sarcastic mind went somewhere else. I shut my phone off and went back to watching anime which just started airing another anime that looks unfamiliar to me. Although, one of the characters I recognized before, but don't remember where. I still look around the room and most of my cousins were being anti-socials, except for the little kids who are gluing their faces on to the TV and shouting like there's not tomorrow.
My phone vibrated again while I flipped my phone over, revealing another message from Genko.

"You seem annoyed for some reason. Is everything okay?" He asks wearily. He figured out straight away that I'm annoyed. I thought I was going well with hiding my feelings.

"Yeah, I'm fine. :)" I lied, putting a smiley face and hope that Genko would believe me.

"Are you really fine Chesa? I know you're trying to deny something." I start to get a bit more annoyed, just by thinking about Eclair.

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