chapter 10

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"What did he say?" I asked. I'm starting to get worried. She never reacts like this unless she is nervous, scared or even angry.

"He wants to meet up with me tomorrow." She finally looked up at me but with excitement in her eyes. 

" That's great Neha!!! But did he say where you guys are going?" I asked so we can go shopping for her "date" tomorrow. 

"He wants to go to Starbucks at 9."

" And what did you say?" I asked.

" I said YESS!!! But i don't nothing to wear?!?" She got of the bed and started pacing back and forth. 

"Calm down love, that's why i'm taking you shopping." I said hugging her so maybe she could calm down a bit. I let go of her and she seemed relaxed now so i took out my phone so i could call my mom and tell her that i'm taking Neha shopping.


"Hey mom, i'm taking Neha shopping, is that okay?" I know she will say yes but you know double check, you don't want the cops looking for a "lost" child.

" Yes, but don't take long." 

"Okay mom thanks." I hanged up before hearing what else she had to say.

"What she say" Neha asked before leaving my room.

" She said yes but i can't come home late." I said while i was putting my shoes.

"Awesome let's go then!" Neha said while running down stairs. I put my phone in my pockets and followed her. I grabbed my house and car keys of the kitchen counter. Neha left the house first and i followed. I locked the door and unlocked the car so Neha could get in. I hopped on the drivers seat and Neha was on the passengers side. 

" Hey do you want to go shopping at downtown?" I asked. Plus i haven't been over there since my dad left.

" YES!!" Neha said while jumping up and down her seat. We decided to turn the radio on and What Makes You Beautiful came on.

" YOU DON"T KNOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL!!!!!" We started sing and fist pumping all the way there. We finally arrived. I parked out side Forever 21 . We Shopped for about an hour or so then went to Mc Donald's to eat. It was only 6:00 so we dicided to go back home. We arrived at her house. 

"Good luck!!!" I yelled from the window. 

"THANKS!!!" She said before entering her house. I drove back and it was 7:30. I arrived to my house. I unlocked the door and entered. The first person i saw was Molly sitting in the couch.

"Hey where's mom?" I asked.

"She is sleeping." She replied still paying attention to the tv. 

"OK if you need anything, i'm going to be upstairs in my room." I said. I walked up stairs and entered my room. I was a little tired so i went to change on my pink pj's.I hopped in to bed and covered my self with my blanket. I grabbed my phone and put on The A Team by Ed sheeran. Then i felt asleep.

Found Love ( One Direction Fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt