chapter 42

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" MAGZ YOU NEVER TOLD US YOU GETTING MARRIED OR THAT YOUR PREGNANT!!!!!!" Neha yelled and started jumping up and down.

"That explains your appetites and that fat stomach. " Bijal said while rubbing my stomach. 

"Sorry I didn't tell you girls, Niall and I agreed to keep it a secret untill my stomach starts growing. Plus I didn't know I was going to get married? !?!" I said jumping up and down.

" I'm do happy for you girls now will you excuse me, I have to call my boyfriend. " Celestina said rolling her eyes.

"You are excused." I said.

I followed her to the door. I opened the door and she left.

" Maggie what do you mean you didn't know you were getting married? " Krupa asked.

" I didn't know.  He just blurted it out on tv." I said rubbing my stomach.  I wonder how the boys feel.

Niall p.o.v

" Mate you didn't tell us Maggie was pregnant. " Liam said. " This could affect our carreer, does Simon know?"

" No." I said.

" Congratulations mate! " Louis eaid hugging me.

" Thanks mate." I said.

" Why didn't you tell us that she is pregnant and that you are getting married? " Harry asked.

" Maggie and I agreed to tell you guys when her stomach starts growing. And she doesn't know that we are getting married. " I said. Everyone gave me a confused look.

"You should make it special mate, not just blurting it out on tv." Zayn said. 

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