Chapter 29

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I woke up to Landan climbing up onto my bed. "Hey bub." "Hi mommy." "What's up?" "The other boys don't want to play with me." He said pushing his bottom lip out. "Aw baby, c'mon let's go downstairs and talk to them." "Okay."

I got up and helped him get down from my bed, then we went downstairs. Jace was running around with the other little boys while Matthew stared at them. "Jace, come here." He looked at me and slowly walked over to me with his head down.

"Hey, why aren't you including Landan in whatever you are playing?" I asked softly. He just shrugged with his head still down. "Give your brother a hug and say sorry." He nodded then walked up to Landan. "I'm sorry, do you want to play with us?"

Landan nodded then they hugged and Jace gave Landan a little kiss. Then the ran off with the other boys. "Matthew, why didn't you deal with it?" "I didn't think that Jace would listen to me, and i'd probably make him cry." He said getting up and helping me make breakfast for the little boys.

"Can you give them the food while I go get ready?" I asked Matthew. "Yeah sure." "Thanks." I ran past the boys and went up to my room. I walked into my room to see that Clay was still asleep. He is so lazy! Just kidding we wake up at around 6 am every morning.

He's lucky that he gets to sleep this long. I changed into a Magcon shirt and jean shorts. I walked out of y bathroom and back into my room to see Clay still sleeping. Nuh uh! if i can't sleep he can't either! I walked over to my bed, then laid on him and started tickling him.

"Get off!" He said grumpily. "No! you need to wake up." "I don't wanna." "I really don't care." "5 more minutes?" "No you've had long enough now get your butt out of bed and get ready." "Can't you're on me." "I hate you." "I love you too."

I got up and left the room hoping that he's actually up and getting ready. I ran down the stairs to find the twins wrestling while the other little boys cheered. I smacked the back of Matthew's head then walked over to the boys and picked Landan up and sat him on the couch.

"Ow! why did you hit me?" Matthew asked rubbing the back of his head. "Because you're an idiot." He rolled his eyes then Jace ran up the stairs probably to go bug Clay. I turned the TV on and the other little boys ran up to the couch and started watching TV.

Just as i was sitting down someone knocked on the door. I groaned then got up and answered the door. "Yes?" I asked looking at the Auburn haired girl. "Um, do the Phillips' live here still?" She asked. "The parents don't, but their adopted kids do."

"Which twin are you?" She asked looking at me." "What?" I asked not recognizing her. "Mommy!" Landan yelled running up to me. "What baby?" I asked picking him up. "Is this Jace or Landan? or did you have a kid?" "She asked "Landan?" I said more like a question.

"Who are you?" He asked looking at her with his eyebrows furrowed. "I'm your sister." She said. "Um, we only have 2 girls in our family, and the other one isn't you." I said still trying to figure out who she is.

"Well, i guess i'm not your biological sister, but it's me Kristina." I looked at her shocked, we haven't seen her since her parents "Died". "Blue eyes...You're Justine!" She said proud of herself. "Y-Yeah H-How d-did y-you get here?" I asked stuttering for some reason.

"I took a bus." "Why did you come back?" "I wanted to know if i could live with you guys." "We really can't support anyone else, plus there really isn't any room." "But there was room when the twins were babies." She said "Yeah, but they are getting bigger and taking up a lot more room, plus it would be really weird with you here."

"But..." She got cut off by Jace yelling from upstairs. "Mommy, Jacey's yelling." Landan said worriedly. "He's probably yelling at Daddy to get up." "Okay." He said and the Yelling continued until finally Clay came down the stairs with a little boy on his hip smirking.

"Take this evil child, i want that one child instead." Clay said holding Jace out for me to grab. "I'm not taking him, he's yours for the day LaBrant." I said turning back around to see that Kristina was gone. I closed the door then put Landan down on the couch with the other boys.


All of the little boys just left, plus Matthew left, and it is now 3:30, so i'm putting the twins down for a nap so i can take a nap too. "Muma." Jace said as I laid Landan down in his crib. Don't worry, we are going to get them beds soon.

"Yes Jace?" I asked looking at the toddler who was now standing up in his crib. "Ninnie." He said pointing to the Pacifier sitting on the dresser. I grabbed his Giraffe printed Nuk pacifier, then gave it to him.

He put it in his mouth then laid down and slowly fell asleep. Landan has already weaned off of Pacifiers, and we are still trying to get Jace to stop using them. For right now, he only uses one while he sleeps, so that's good.

I slowly closed their door then went into my room and laid down and fell asleep almost instantly. I was so tired!

A/N: Next Chapter is the Last but if you actually liked this book, idk if anyone does but there's a sequel. In the Sequel Justine and Clay are 18 almost 19.

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