chapter 15

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Justines POv...

i woke up in the middle of the night, to Landan tugging at my blankets. ''whats wrong?" "im scared." "aw come here.'' i picked him up and layed him down on the other side of my bed, then i wrapped my arm over him in protection. i kissed his head then went back to sleep.


I woke up again to see that it was morning. i sat up and looked around my room, and remembered that i let landan sleep in my bed last night. i  checked the time and saw that it was only 8:30 ,so i decided to get ready for the day before Jace woke up. Landan is already wake ,but he usually finds things to do ,so i dont have to worry about him bugging me while im trying to get ready.

I got out of the shower and put on a cute croptop, tribal print shorts, and my converse. i walked back to my room to see Landan on my phone talking to someone. He looked up at me and handed me the phone. i looked at the caller id and saw that it was Hannah. ''hey.'' ''hey, oh my god your little brother is so cute.'' ''I know right, do you want to spend the night?" "sure, what time do you want me to come over?" "anytime, im not really doing anything today.'' ''ok ill be there in about an hour.'' ''ok'' ''bye see you then.'' ''bye'.

i hung up and then took Landan to his room to get him some clothes. walked over to their closet and Grabbed a 'daddy's little sidekick.' onsie, plaid shorts, and baby converse for Landan. then i grabbed a 'i mean alot to mommy' onsie, shorts, and baby vans for Jace when he wakes up. i changed landans diaper then got him dressed.

when i was done we walked back to my room and watched teen wolf, even though Landans only one and probably doesnt know whats happening on the show, he enjoys watching it. on all of the scaryish parts Landan hides his head under the blankets then peeks out, its really cute. when the show was about halfway through i got a text from Matthew.

Matthew: can you come over and wake Clay up? i dont want him to hit me. again.

Justine:haha sissy, sure be right over.

Matthew: im not a sissy!

"yes you are." i said climbing through the window. i walked over to clay and just jumped on him, once i was on him i hugged and kissed him. ''get off!.'' ''no, im comfortable where i am.'' ''oh i thought you were matthew. but still get off.'' i rolled off of him and layed down next to him. ''good morning Clay.'' ''Good morning Beautiful.'' i smiled and stared into his eyes while he stared into mine.

''did you know that you have really pretty blue eyes?" "yup, they look better when the sunlight hits them.'' before he could reply Jace started yelling at us from my room. i walked to the window and climbed through it so i could change him, i ran into his room, grabbed his clothes then ran back to my room.

before i could even take his pajamas off, clay took him and changed his diaper, then got him dressed. ''aw, clay'' clay instantly blushed. he then sat down next to landan, who was mezmorized by the show. i took Jace with me down stairs and made some toaster strudel for the boys and myself. i also made some chocolate milk.

i took the food upstairs, when we finished our food hannah called and said she will be here soon. i quickly cleaned up my room and set up a mattress for her to sleep on. then Clay and i went to the twins room and took the front part off of the twins' cribs, then made their beds for them. now they dont have to sleep on the floor.

when hannah got to our house, i told clay to take the boys to his house while Hannah and i went swimming in my pool. we changed into our swimsuits then went to my backyard and made some videos. then we swam around for awhile.

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