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Its the first week of school and alot is gonna change for justine and her family.


"Justine wake up its time for school." "ok how about 5 more minutes Please braedan?" "fine" i hope all of my new friends and clay are in all of my classes. "hey braedan where are the twins gonna be?" "Mrs.Labrant said she would watch them for us." "oh ok." Im going to wear my black 'volcom' sweatshirt with jeans and my converse.

10 minutes later.....

im all ready to go to school,i just have to wait for Jersey Jack and Clay to get ready. "hey Jersey are you almost done we only have 10 minutes to get to the bus stop." "yea i just need to put my shoes on." "ok hurry because the boys are here."

The boys carried us all the way to the bus stop. "Hey clay whats your schedule?" "hang on let me see, can see yours." i handed him my schedule and he scanned both sheets of paper. when he gave it back he looked all sad. "whats wrong?" "we dont have any of the same classes." "what?!?" "just kidding we have every single class together!" i smiled at him "i hate you." "nah i think you love me." i just stood there smiling then i kissed his cheek when the bus came.

"hey clay come sit with us!" some boy yelled "um...can she sit with us?" "sure" he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his friends. we across from two guys. "this is justine, and thats matthew and sam." "hi" "its nice to finally meet you." i gave him a confused look "Clays been texting us a ton about you." "oh ok."

once we got to school i went to go find Tabetha,Michelle,Hannah,Quazi,and Payton. I found them Sitting at a table outside of the cafateria. "hey guys." "hey." "hey Justine?" "yea?" "about weston, hes not actually like that, i texted him, and he said that his uncle drugged him,and he had no idea what he was doing." "oh."

"yeah he said he was extremely sorry." "ok, are you guys still together?" "no, we decided that it wasnt meant to be but I have a new boyfriend named joshua but everyone calls him miahi." "oh ok cool."

we all looked at our schedules and found out that we have every single class together except for Michelle. before we had to go in for class we went to our lockers, so i could learn how to use mine.

I gathered up all of the Stuff i would need for today. before i left clay met me at my locker and walked me to our first class,Language arts with Mrs.Breedan.

once we got to our class we noticed that we had a seating chart,but luckily we got to sit next to eachother.Tabetha and Payton also sat at our table.

"hey Clay, Hows your summer been." weston asked "good, except for that one day at the park!" "hey look im really sorry about that my uncle drugged me while i was sleeping and I didnt know what i was doing, all i remember is a girl standing above me yelling at me." "Yeah sorry about that." i said looking at him. "no im sorry for kissing you." "its ok."

"oh and weston sorry for knocking you out." clay yelled a little louder then he thought and everyone looked at him like hes to weak to knock someone out. "its ok you were only protecting your girlfriend."

this is probably the most awkward class ive ever had.Next we have to go to math with mrs. Ellis. this time we get to pick our seats, so our group found a group of desks near the back.

"Who wants to play a little getting to know eachother game?" "I do." yelled out almost everyone in the room, which isnt many people. we all got into a circle and started the game. we had to name everyone before yourself and then yourself. when we finished we walked around the room and we had to have the other people write their name on the line that went with what they can do,did,have..ect.

leaving life for love (Clay LaBrant)Where stories live. Discover now