Cruelty At Its Finest

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(Santana's Pov)

It was September 7th when my life changed drastically. The day that I had gotten a reality check that all you have is yourself in the end of it all. I mean I grew up in an orphanage so I already knew that but it wasn't until what I done, it had hit me. I realized Im a monster in disguise. I walk down a dark black alley receiving a another assignment and taking the opportunity as it comes.

"Santana, big rob wants to see you" puck says with a scar of a knife running down the side of his face. I nod in acceptance and reroute my destination. As I walk I look around the town and sigh. What use to be so safe and humble is now nothing but a front. During the day we show tourist how sweet and kind we use to be but at night all common sense people lock their doors, close their curtains and keep to them self. I walk into the whore house and see a whole bunch of girls over big rob and some looking at me like I'm fresh meat. I give them a death look and they continue about their business.

"Santana, darling. Do you have my money" he says his stomach going up and down as he talk. The whores glaring at him secretly wanting to kill him and then there's me. Stuck in an unwanted job, forever stuck in hell.

"Yes" is all I say to him and then throw the roll and he catches it with a swift hand as easy as he does to taking people lives.

"This seems a little light pendejo" he says and I glare at him before he laughs.

"Im just messing with you san, lighten up. How about I give you five girls you guys can go upstairs and have a little fun" he says and I laugh at that.

"No" I say and walk out grabbing another shipment on the way out.

"Don't forget where your loyalties lye" he says before me leaving and I sigh and walk out right when I get a phone call.

"What's up...2,000........take it or leave it" I scream through the phone when a blonde girl about my age stops and spots me. I barley make her out but I walk away to continue my conversation.

(Brittany's Pov)

I spot a girl screaming into the phone about money and she seems highly upset. She looks up and give me a death glare but I pay it no mind. How can I when I just checked out of the hospital. Im 18 and this will be my first year going to high school.

I walk the streets unsure of where to go and run into a couple of Gang members who looks at me funny.

"Hey sweetie are you lost" one guy says in a feminine voice.

"Yeah" I say and they all look confused on what to do until the girl who was screaming in the phone came front and center.

"Mercedes and Quinn, take her home and you......" She says looking at me.

"Don't come out at night no more" she says and I nod while looking anywhere except her.

I get taken home and my parents are surprised to see me actuallya little upset.

"What are you doing here" they shout and i start to tear up.

"They let me out, they say I can come home" I say quietly.

"This isn't your home anymore, you aren't welcome" my mom and father scream and slam the door in my face. I sigh but keep the tears back and continue walking. I walk past Quinn and Mercedes and cross the street.

"Hey...hey you....that's your house isn't it" Mercedes says.

"They don't want me" I say feeling numb and keep on walking.

"Here, we will take you to a friends house. It's not safe out here. You'll get kil-"

"I DONT CARE" I shout and continue to walk where they couldn't drive.

Sometimes we go through life and I find myself complaining about why it has to keep going when others complain about why it has to stop. Life will beat you down, tear you apart and kill you if you let it and I think I'm at my wits end.

I get into the middle of the road and lay down like in the notebook but at least she had someone who loved her. I have no one. I grew up a tragic mess and now I'll die in a tragic way. I hear a car coming my way and pay it no mind waiting to get run over. I hear the beeps and the yelling but block it all out. I can hear it coming closer and brace for impact but it never comes. I watch as she gets out and grabs me by the shirt.

(Santana's Pov)

I pin her to the wall and can see her fearful yet curiosity.

" you somehow are always in the wrong place at the wrong time" I say repinning her to the wall harshly and all she does is just stare.

"can you talk or are you a mute" I say running my hand down her stomach.

"Stop" she says and I smile at the hesitation.

"Just stay out of my way, next time you might be the person who gets got" I say and walk away from her and back to the car. I round the block to find her on the cliff of a house and is about to fall. I run over to her and watch and she turns around and fall as if a leaf falls. I dive to catch her and she gaps in shock when I do.

"Why are you trying to kill yourself, stop" I say but she just cries. I take her to my car and drive her to her house.

"get out, I've showed you enough hospitality, now get out" I growl. Truth be told I don't know why I'm angry but I am when I look at her.

"They don't want me" she says and I frown.

"what" I say to rehear what she said.

"They don't want a freak and imperfection like me in their family. I have no one" she says and it hits home. I sigh before driving back to the house.

"You should be happy you have some type of freedom" I say and she laughs.

"today is the first day of my freedom" she says and I frown.

"What happens to the last 18 year" I say and watch her swallow harshly.

I made up my mind on what I should do about the blonde but can't believe I'm doing this. I pull up to my house and stop the car. She turns around confused and looks at me waiting for an explanation.?

"Your staying with me"

Hey guys so this is my first story, lmk what you think. Comment and vote and share xx

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