Britt Be Strong

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(Santana's Pov)

It's been two weeks since Dani was here and Brittany basically grabbed me. I've been avoiding her eversince. I just feel so awkward around her now because even though it was just a fun game to her, I felt things. Things I'll never be able to express to her.

"San are you crying" Quinn asks coming in my room.

"No, just thinking. What do you and Emily plan on doing today" I ask since Emily and Quinn have been closer ever since the incident.

"I don't know probably just chill" she says while blushing.

"Aka fucking" I say earning a slap making us laugh.

"Have you talked to Britt" she asked making my smile fall.

"Nope, not since Dani left" I say and see her look sad.

"You like her don't you" she says and I sigh.

"I honestly don't know and don't care. I have to focus on you guys and Emily, not girls" I say and hear Quinn scoff.

"That's the problem with you. Brittany is not just any girl. She's special and sweet and a good person in general not a jack ass like Dani or a whore like Blake or a cheater or liar, like all the other girls you choose. She would count as your first real girlfriend" Quinn says but I look straight past her and she sighs at this.

"What's your point in saying this because I made up my mind I don't want anything to do with Brittany" I say and turn over so she would leave.

(Brittany's Pov)

"Come on Britt. Faster, go harder. Left, right. You need to be quicker. Okay, stop" he says and I collapse on the floor out of breath.

"Brittany, we've been at this all day and you seem out of it, what's wrong" mike says and I sigh.

"I might have pushed Santana too far and now she's been avoiding me eversince and I don't know what to do to get her back" I say and see him smile.

"What" I say.

"She was never yours, but I get it. And in all honesty, I don't see Santana with anybody but you. However, Santana has been through a lot and will not come to you easily. Are you willing to fight for her"he says and walks out the warehouse. I grab my keys and head to my new place.

(45 minutes later)

I get out the car and smile hard when I see it. I walk in and see little kids are already there. They see me and start to smile.

"Britty, britty, let's start" they say and I smile at their energy.

"Okay class, first we will start off with hip hop...." I say.

By the time I'm done at the studio it's late and the kids had left hours ago. I stayed for myself to help this inner battle that I'm having on what I should do and I'm stumped. I see that it's midnight and decide to go back to the house. When I reach the door, it instantly opens and I get yelled at.

"Where were you" she says.

"I was somewhere, why" I ask.

"You know it gets dangerous around this time of night, I thought something happen to you. Come on, come in" Quinn says letting me in, always playing mom in the group.

I go to the kitchen to make something to eat and watch as Santana leave after spotting me and my heart breaks a little. I see Quinn watch for my reaction but I don't care. I instantly lose my appetite and go upstairs. I strip and slide into bed and just lay there. I feel my face is soaked and just start balling my eyes out. I hear my door open and pretend to be sleep.

"Britt, are you okay" i hear and pretend to be sleep.

I feel the bed dip and stiffen at his touch but then relax. I turn to see him and for the first time, Puck looks like a gentle giant.

"What's wrong Britt" he says and I sigh.

"Santana wants nothing to do with me. I fucked up and I can't take it back" I say and he frowns.

"What did you do" he says curiously.

"I basically hand groped her to piss off Dani" I say and see him laugh.

"What's so funny" I ask.

"If only you were anybody else, she would've cut off your hands and killed you. San has been treated wrong, but don't take her pushing away as a sign to give up. Maybe she's just testing you in a way" he says and I shake my head no.

"She doesn't want me and it's time for me to move on without her I guess" I say while getting up.

"What are you doing" he asks.

"What I should've done weeks ago"

"Which is"

"Move out"

"Brittany, your being ridiculous" he says and I look at him and shake my head.

"You don't get it do you. Santana doesn't want me here. Who am I to disagree. She bought me into this house but now it's time for me to leave" I say.

"Give it two more weeks, that's all I ask for is two weeks" puck says by my side.

"No" I say quietly.

"Britt" I hear in a warning voice and see Quinn by the door.

"Why are you leaving us" she says.

"A habit, I guess" I say packing. She comes over and stops my hands from packing and I do everything in my power not to look at her.

"Look at me, why are you doing this" she says in a worried voice.

"I don't stay where I'm not wanted and I'm not going to start now, I'll go back to the hospital is what I'll do" I say and see them frown.

"You can't, you would be stuck there if you sign yourself in" they say but I stay quiet.


"No, I told you that nobody wants a freak like me around"

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