The Treehouse (Origins - Part 1) [PLEASE READ TO THE END]

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(Leanne and Tiffany are older in this one, about 20)

The clock ticked on the wall of the dark, wooden living room. Birds and the wind came together to become nature's choir. The pages of the man's book made a faint rustling as they were turned over one by one. These were the only sounds emitting from the man's home, buried deep within the woods and hidden among the trees, positioned high up at the top of a tree root staircase. In the other room, the man's collection was silent. It was late afternoon; the nocturnals were sleeping, the diurnals were relaxing, and the crepusculars were lightly dreaming.

The man wore plain clothes that matched his surroundings; browns, greens, reds, yellows; warm, forest colours. He was surprisingly well-groomed for a man who lived in a treehouse in the woods; his hair was medium-length and reddish-brown, his beard and moustache were perfectly groomed, and they rested on a handsome, masculine jaw. 

The only thing other than his home which set him apart from others were his eyes. If you were to look at him from the right side, he would appear to be a normal, brown-eyed man. However, his left eye was different, for instead of one chocolate disc, it had two, each with its own black centre.

This man's name was Elvin Winters.

Elvin lived quietly. His only visitors were the only people who knew of his existence; two young girls who stumbled upon him by accident. They were too curious for their own good, in Elvin's opinion, although they did prove to be useful.

Years ago, Elvin's house was smaller, but his collection was ever increasing. Naturally, he ran out of room. By this point he'd become good friends with the girls, who when asked to take care of his most prized creatures (which he'd found newborn and abandoned), had accepted willingly. They weren't sure what he saw in them when compared to the others, but they were cute, and that was enough to make the girls go with it.

His collection itself was highly fascinating. You see, Elvin Winters was an extraordinary man, one who had believed in unseen creatures science simply couldn't explain since he was introduced to the concept. As soon as he was old enough to understand that 3 irises was not normal, he came to the conclusion that he, himself was one of these creatures. Of course, it wasn't long before he knew this to be merely a fantasy, but his years of being deemed a 'freak' gave him enough determination to run to the woods and find these creatures himself.

Based on what he knew of these prized creatures he'd given to the girls, if he were to see them again he felt sure they'd've developed identities, identities influenced by the world around them, entire personalities carved from existing beings. This is what fascinated him; that these tiny little creatures were sentient, functioning humans... Just smaller, and with heart-melting abilities.

Soon enough, he would find out exactly what living with those two girls had done to them.


Tiffany shoved her clothes into her suitcase without much care, babbling random words which could've been an expression of excitement as she did so. 

Much to their surprise, the girls had won a holiday to Majorca, and were due to fly off the next morning. The chibis had drooped slightly at this news, perked up when they realised the havoc they could cause, and jumped around in excitement when they were told they'd be living in a treehouse while they were gone.

"Yup, you'll be living with a friend of ours we met ages ago. You'll like him, we promise." Leanne informed them, casually catching CC before he landed on the ceiling light and started swinging on it.

"Yeah, he's really cool and kind of creepy... He keeps to himself a lot." Tiffany added.

Andy gasped. "IS HE BA--"

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