Levi's Butt

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Stephanie_Murphy115: Dare: Eren sneak up behind Levi and slap his butt

Eren: ... *blushes* I'm going to die today...

Levi: *busy cleaning counters to notice anything*

Eren: *peaks into kitchen*

Levi: *back turned to Eren*

Eren: *sighs* ... *sneaks up behind Levi*

Levi: *is finished*

Eren: *slaps Levi's butt*

Levi: EAK!!!! *turns around blushing* E-Eren!!!

Eren: *runs away*

Levi: EREN!!! *runs after him*

Eren: *trips over Armin's books* EAK!

Levi: *pounces on Eren* Eren... -_-

Eren: Don't kill me!!!

Levi: Eren...*pecks Eren on the lips* brat...

Eren: hehehe

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