Erwin and Almost Death

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rocketraccoonGotg: I dare Erwin to take care of Levi and I dare for Levi to almost kill Eren and Hanji

Erwin: wait.... so I have to take care of Levi?! Great.... *sighs*

Levi: *is setting up what is supposed to be a harmless prank* (even though he's a baby he's intelligent X3)

Eren & Hanji: *walking down hall, taking about things Hanji has been doing in her lab* (the basement)

Levi: *sets off prank*

*many horrific screams later*

Eren: ...

Hanji: ...

Erwin: *scolding Levi in the hospital*

Levi: *on the verge of tears*

Erwin: *brings Levi into Eren's room*

Levi: *hugs Eren tightly* I'm sowwy!!!!!!!

Eren: *blushes and smiles slightly* Its okay.... Levi...


PhycopathicAnimeFan: Hai! So yeah... here ya go @rocketraccoonGotg ! Okay so yall May know about my other story... Stuck In A Video Game or whatever I called it XD it's the Skylox and Merome one. ANYWAYS! I'm kinda sick and stuff so I might not update. Depends. So I hope ya understand. Anyway... TILL NEXT QUESTION/DARE! BYE

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