Burning House

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Xneverland0angelX: Levi would you rather save Eren or Marco from a burning house

Levi: to be honest with you... neither. Yes I love Eren, but when he is being the stupid brat he is, I would just let him die. But if I had to choose, I'd definitely choose Eren... I can't live without that brat... I don't know what I wound do without him...

Eren: Levi... *blushing*

Levi: *smiles ever so slightly*

Eren: *hugs him* I love you too! *notices* LEVI YOU'RE SMILING!

Levi: am not

Eren: are to!

Levi: am not!

Eren: are toooooooooooooo!

Levi: fine...

Eren: *smiles*

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