Chapter 8: Sixers

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When I got home Sophie and a boy were laying on the couch and I could tell it was Josh. They both were asleep so I tiptoed to my room so I could go to bed. When I got in there I sat on my bed with a smirk.  I looked to my right and saw a man. "Hello James," He said as he knocked me out. When I awoke I was in a vehicle going through the forest. "You can't be up yet," Another man said as I was knocked out again. The last time I woke up I was doused in water. "Wake up," The man who first knocked me out said as he threw more water on me. "W-where am I," I managed to choke out before more water was thrown on me. "Hell, at least our version," A woman said as she walked up to me and punched me in the gut. "Gah!" I announced as she struck my ribs. "Listen kid, you're new and solo so I'm gonna kick the life out of you just to get the point across to Taylor that we need those power cells," She said with a smile as she struck my ribs twice and broke my nose. The woman kept hitting me until my entire face was black, blue, and red after that she hit my ribs until four of them were broken. When she finished hitting me she said "I'm Mira by the way. Oh yeah don't worry we'll drop you off at the gates in the morning and then we'll see what Taylor says about giving us those power cells," She said as she basically used me as a punching bag. The next morning I was still bound with four broken ribs, a broken nose, and bleeding bruises everywhere. "Wake up sunshine," A man said as he lifted me into a vehicle. "Ahhhh!" I screamed in pain as he threw me down onto the floor in the vehicle. We drove to the gates and I was thrown down onto the ground as Mira called "Taylor!" "What are you doing here, Mira?" Taylor asked as he walked to the gates. "I just figured that I would drop off one of your precious colonists," Mira said as her men picked me up and threw me on the ground again. "Dude really," I managed to choke out in pain. "What did you do to him!?" I heard Maddy scream from a distance. "Maddy wait!" I heard Mr. Shannon say as I heard footsteps running towards me. Maddy came outside the gates and picked me up with the help of her dad as Mira and Commander Taylor negotiated over power cells. Maddy and Mr. Shannon walked me to the infirmary. "Dear God, James what happened," Mrs. Shannon asked me. "M-Mira b-broke a l-lot of b-bones," I choked out holding back tears and trying to resist the pain. "James don't speak, okay. Mira broke ribs so you might be winded," Mrs. Shannon said as she braced my head and laid me down. "James are you okay?" Maddy asked as she sprinted up to me. "No," I got out before pain shot up my chest. "Gah!" I announced as I held myself down and twitched. Mrs. Shannon sprinted to me with a needle full of pain reliever. "Listen James we've got to set your ribs and nose so we have to knock you out," Mrs. Shannon said as she injected the medicine into my veins. When I woke up I was covered in a brace for my ribs. "James are you alright?" Maddy asked as she walked up to me. "I guess," I said looking up at her. "What did Mira do to you," Maddy asked. "Made me broken, or something of the nature," I responded with a wince as I sat up. "Don't worry you'll be okay," Maddy said as she kissed my forehead and walked out. I laid there for what seemed like weeks but was only 2 days. When I was cool to go home I walked to my house and Sophie asked, "Jeez, what happened?" "Well according to Mira I was put through hell and still survived," I said as sat on the couch. "Wait, Mira, as in the Sixers," She asked as she looked at my wraps on my chest. "Yeah her," I responded. Sophie and I ended our conversation with a "wow" and we both went to bed and tonight I actually slept instead of the nightmares that Mira implanted into my brain. Go to sleep James, sleep well.

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