Chapter 53

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Luke looks a bit nervous after we park and start walking towards the hotel.  It is rather grand - though surely not too much of a surprise from what he does know of my mother.  We step under an awning, then up several steps and in through automatic doors.  The expansive lobby is full of brown leather tub chairs and oversized lamps on little tables. 

"Have you been here before?" he asks, looking around.

I shake my head as a pompous-looking man in a suit approaches and starts directing us through to a function room off to one side.  Almost the whole back wall of the room is glass, with a view out over an extensive, perfectly-flat, deep green lawn bordered by manicured hedges.  Inside the room there is an array of round tables with crisp white tablecloths covering them.  The chairs have cushions and backs in an earthy green fabric that matches the serviettes and the foliage of the tall floral sprays on each table.  My mother's sense of class is everywhere, and she has undoubtedly had her florist shop employees busy.  I have to give her credit though - it does look beautiful.  I just don't know that my Dad will particularly appreciate all the finer details. 

There is a group of tall, clean-cut older men and some quiet, conservative-looking women standing around on one side, and then a more varied assortment of family and friends sitting on the other side, just past the entrance doors. 

My grandmother spots me straight away and calls out, "Johanna, come here dear.  How are you?"

I haven't seen her in a few weeks and immediately feel guilty.  She looks particularly pale and frail, lost in the green chair that surrounds her, though her voice is still strong.  "Hi Gran," I walk over and lean down to hug her.  Her boney arms wrap around my neck and she smells like lavender talcum powder as always.  "I'm good.  How are you doing?"

"I'm doing just fine" she replies as usual, (- I'm sure she'll say that on her death bed), while I also hug Aunty Shirley (Dad's sister), as she stands from her chair just across from Gran. 

Gran is already looking around me to Luke, standing awkwardly a few steps back.  "Hello, who are you?" she smiles pleasantly at him. 

"Oh this is Luke, Gran.  He's my ...boyfriend."  It sounds a bit weird, especially after having been married, but I won't be ashamed of him.  It took me a while to get used to saying 'husband' too.  "This is Dad's Mum, Nancy and his sister, Shirley" I gesture to Luke.

Luke steps closer, "Hi - nice to meet you."  He looks like he's about to put his hands nervously into his pockets, but my grandmother reaches out and takes hold of one, not really to shake, but more to hold and examine. 

"You have very strong hands ...but rough" Gran comments.  She has always been very forthright and it only seems to be getting more pronounced as she ages further.

"Yeah - comes with being a mechanic" he smiles quite charmingly.  "I think I've at least washed all the grease off though."

She seems to look again to see if he is right, before releasing him.  "Well it's a lovely surprise to meet you.  You sit here for a bit," she pats the chair beside her.  "We can have a nice chat while Johanna sees some of the others and gets things organised."

I suddenly feel nervous.  All those times my mind wandered while Mum was going over some of the details, did I miss that I was meant to be doing something now?  I check my watch and it's only a few minutes after six.  Her and Dad were going to arrive about quarter past.  Surely she doesn't expect that I'll have everyone hide behind her flower arrangements and then jump out at him? 
I spot my cousin who I haven't seen in years,  and who has flown in especially for the party.  Luke is sitting down as instructed, so I whisper to him that I'll be back in a bit, and go off to talk to her. 

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