Chapter 61

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It kind of works the following day.  There are quite a few people around at the studio, making all sorts of different things and it's actually inspiring as well as just distracting.  They are keen to share their skills and the small talk flows easily.  I've taken a sandwich for lunch, so I end up staying well into the afternoon. 

It's not until I am about to go that some harsh reality manages to force its way in again.  A women from the class the other week arrives and sees me.  She goes into the back room and comes out with the fired 'cylinder' Luke made what feels like months ago now.  She hands it to me with a smile that is ignorant of the emotions it suddenly stirs.  

I look at it as I drive home.  He didn't say anything hateful yesterday; in fact 'I miss you' was quite the opposite, and rather unexpected.  Maybe I can start talking to him.  I know I won't have the answers he is looking for, but if I have more control over the situation I think I can stay composed.  Over the phone should definitely be easier.  Then I won't have to see him looking so ...lost.

I take Jess for a walk to make up for leaving her most of the day, and then return home and procrastinate.  I bring him up in my contacts list several times, but just can't seem to hit 'send' until I have something rehearsed to say.  Trouble is, it still won't come.  I jump when the phone suddenly vibrates in my hand about nine o'clock, and his sleeping image appears. 

I answer quickly, "Hi."

"Jo, it's Michael."

I'm suddenly concerned.  "Oh, what's up - is everything okay?"

"I'm with Luke.  He's um... he's pretty drunk.  Look, I don't know what happened with you guys - he won't tell me anything.  I feel pretty useless.  ...I don't know if you'd come...?"

I walk for my car keys straight away.  "Where are yous?"

"At the beach - about ten minutes walk north of the surf tower."

"Okay - I'll be there soon."

The sky is filled with dark grey clouds.  It doesn't look like it's going to rain, but it is getting darker quickly as I walk along.  The waves are breaking noisily and relentlessly against the shore.  I spot two figures sitting in the distance.  As I get closer I discern that it is Luke and Michael. 

Michael now has bright red hair, and he spots me first and stands as I approach.  "Thanks for coming."

I look behind him to Luke, who is shaking his head and looking pissed off.  This is more how I had been imagining this week that he would be, rather than what I got yesterday evening.  My new-found confidence in talking to him starts to fade quickly.

Michael continues, "I might leave you to it."  I swallow hard and nod.  He turns to Luke, "Call me if you need a ride or anything."  He pauses but Luke doesn't respond, "...See you mate."

Michael strides off quickly, and I step hesitantly closer and then sit.  Luke is gazing out to sea.  My mind races for a minute trying to come up with something to say to fill the silence, but then I just let it go and look out to sea as well.  The clouds seem so low that the horizon is indistinct. 

"So you answer your phone when Michael calls, but you won't pick up for me."  There is hurt and anger in Luke's voice, but at least he has said something.

"He used your phone" I reply calmly.  "He wouldn't know my number otherwise."

Luke reaches into his jacket pocket, and must find his phone, but he doesn't bring it out to check anything.  "Uh."  He takes a swig from the can on the other side of him and I can tell from the smell it's not beer. 

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