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The lunch bell had just rang while we were talking. I stood up and motioned for him to follow.

I guess I shouldn't have told him who I was. While in the halls people were staring and whispering. Ethan just stared back confused.

"Why is everybody staring at us?" He whisper-said to me. I just walked straight ahead. He'd find out soon enough.

We reached our next class before the bell rang. The teacher wasn't there yet and everyone was just with their friends chatting. They all turned their heads toward me, acknowledging I arrived.

"Oh wow, what number is he, Lizz? Or did you lose track?" Riley giggled. Everyone erupted in laughter.

I just took my seat in the back like usual and let Ethan stand there.

"So what was that all about?" He asked as he took his seat next to me. The poor idiot. As I was deciding what to say, our teacher Mrs. Wendell walks in.

"Alright, let's warm up with some Algebra equations, then we'll turn in last weeks problems" she announces. "Oh dear me, let me not forget we have a new student. Ethan could you please stand?"

Ethan slowly stands as I notice Riley eyeing him a certain way. And she calls me a slut. I'm guessing she broke up with Curt.

I kind of zoned out the rest of the class and just doodled in my notebook. I wasn't actually paying attention until I noticed Ethan staring.

"What" I asked bluntly. He snapped out of his trance and nervously scratches his neck. "Um, do you know the a-answer to number 3-"

"Miss Warren! Do not speak during lectures!" Mrs Wendell shrieked. Honestly she never had a problem with Riley or her friends taking. Speaking of them, she and her friends were all looking at me and whispering.

Just then the bell rang. I was one of the first out the door. I almost ran down to my locker until I heard Ethan yelling my name. I stopped and turned to face him. Why is he still talking to me? Didn't he hear what they said in class?

"So I was wondering if I could get your number to help with the project" he said all beamed up. Project? What project?

"You were paying attention in Mrs Wendell's class. Right?" He asked me. I kept walking down to my locker until I stopped in my tracks. Riley and her friend were waiting there. And so were these really tough guys.

"Lizz? Are you ok-"



I didn't bother answering his question I immediately took off which sent the football team after me along with Riley and her posse trotting after.

I didn't know where i was going I just knew I had to get away. I turned around to see if I was out of the clear only for my face to be met with a quarterbacks fist. My head hit the ground instantly as I felt a sharp pain in my upper back and head. I was picked up by the hair only to be hit again and again. Pain was forming all over my body but what could I do?

I heard the familiar video button that you press on an IPhone. So this was their sick plan. I didn't even bother to get up. All I remember was Ethan yelling and fighting before I passed out.

A/N: I'm coming to enjoy this story the more I right it. What do you guys think? If you haven't make sure check out my other book 'Thin' x

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