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I woke up in my brown and blue comforters and my usual room. I try to remember what had happened earlier but all the came to mind was either a big blur or invalid.

I slowly sit up and walk downstairs. Well actually, creep. If I made a sound my parents would scream at me again.

"What the hell is she doing? Getting into fights?" I heard my mom yell.

"Who does she think she is? Honestly we should have put her up for adoption when we had the chance" my father sighed.

"I know we should but no one would take her. She better shape up or she's losing that room!" My mother yelled.

I internally broke and creeped back upstairs to my room and locked the door. I sat on my bed a broke down. They really hate me that much? What have I done so wrong? Why does everyone hate me? I break my train of thoughts and remember Ethan.

I had no contact with him which was dissapointing. I quickly put my phone away when I was interrupted by someone banging on the door. I opened it and was greeted by a hard slap to the face by my mother

"You inconsiderate, worthless, being! How dare you go starting a fight! You were a mistake, Don't forget it!!" She was saying other things but I zoned out in thought of Ethan.

He was the only person who had an actual conversation with me. I debated wether or not I should talk to him tomorrow.

I was once again slapped across the face. "DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR." My mother yelled in an angry tone.

"Yes, It won't happen again, I promise." I whimper. She seems satisfied as she leaves and slams my door shut.

I sigh and decide to sleep with, my now, bruising cheek on my pillow.
A/N: sorry I know that's really short I'll make it up with chapter 5! x

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