Chapter Three

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I can’t help feeling the delicate sensation of butterflies in my stomach as I push open the door for my session with Dan and Sarah. I so badly want to show that Dan and I do have chemistry, because if we don’t, there doesn’t seem much point continuing to practise so much.

Is it all or nothing? That’s probably an exaggeration, but I’m feeling rather pressured as I see Dan warming up inside, with Sarah stood nearby.

‘Hey Kyra,’ Sarah says, with a friendly grin. Dan nods his hello.

‘Hi,’ I reply, going over to put down my bag and pull off my outer layers of clothing so I’m wearing more suitable clothes- a strappy t-shirt, skirt and leggings. Not attractive clothing, but good for dancing.

As we warm up, Sarah explains that she wants to watch us do the routine she choreographed a while ago for us, and so we put on the music and start off.

I try my best- I really do. Dan and I perform every move perfectly… it’s just… there’s something missing. And I don’t want to admit to myself what that something is.

We go through the routine, without making a mistake. It feels empty though, meaningless; even the more intimate move where I’m pressed against him doesn’t send thrills through me like it usually does.

We finish, and Sarah nods at us. ‘Well done, I can see you’ve practised a lot,’ she begins. I gulp, waiting for her judgement, still a little out of breath.

‘Technically, it was perfect. But… well, it seems that there just isn’t enough chemistry between you.’ My heart sinks, and my gaze drops to the floor- I have no idea how to make myself have more chemistry.

‘I don’t think it’s your fault though, either of you,’ Sarah adds. ‘You can’t learn chemistry, and it doesn’t come with practise. I need to have a good think, but I’ve had an idea about what we can do.’

I feel all hopeful as we leave the session an hour or so later. Sarah seemed to be deep in thought throughout the session, whilst watching us perform our routines, so I’m hoping that she came up with a good idea.

As I pass Molly, who is stood outside the studio looking disgruntled, I smile at her. ‘You okay?’

She shakes her head angrily. ‘Jude and I agreed to come half an hour early so we could have an extra run through before our session.’

‘And he didn’t come?’ I ask.

‘No. I’ve just wasted twenty five minutes waiting for him!’

Speaking of the devil, Jude breezes through the door, his hair tousled carelessly as he takes a sip of water from his bottle.

‘Did you forget?’ Molly asks, but she sounds more tired than angry.

‘No,’ Jude says, casually. ‘I just realised I couldn’t come then.’

‘And you didn’t text her?’ I ask, seeing that Molly doesn’t seem to be up for retorting back at him.

Jude shrugs, and goes straight into the studio.

‘How the hell do you put up with him?!’ I say, feeling quite disgusted.

Molly jerks one shoulder noncommittally. ‘Dunno. I’ll see you, Kyra,’ she replies, as she follows him into the studio.

Maybe I am lucky to have Dan, after all.


Sarah rings home later that evening, before Molly‘s come home, and it just happens that I’m the one to pick up.

‘Hi Kyra,’ she says, as I answer. ‘Just the person I was hoping to speak to.’

I laugh, kind of nervously. I can’t help being worried about what she’ll say.

‘I was wondering if you could pop down to the studio? I want to have a chat to you, with the others.’

‘Uh, sure,’ I reply, my mind racing over possibilities. Is she going to tell me I have to give up dancing, that I’m just not good enough? Get a grip, Kyra, I tell myself, and, calling out to let my mum know, I head off.

When I get there, Sarah beckons me in to one of the smaller rooms, where Jude and Molly are already sat. Jude flashes a grin, and Molly smiles wanly, pushing a mug of coffee across the table for me.

‘Thanks,’ I say, sitting down. ‘Do you know what this is about?’

Molly nods. ‘Yeah, Sarah told us at the end of our session.’ She doesn’t sound enthusiastic, which can only mean bad news. I chew on my bottom lip nervously. All this tension is killing me.

‘What is it?’ I ask, but before Molly can answer, Dan comes in, looking completely unconcerned. He smiles cheerfully, before plonking himself down next to me.

Sarah sits down too, wrapping her hands around her own mug of coffee. ‘Thanks for coming,’ she says. ‘I just wanted to make a suggestion about something.’

‘Okay,’ I say, trying to steel myself for the inevitable blow.

‘Well, it seems that neither of your dancing couples are working out,’ Sarah begins, looking at us for confirmation.

I nod, but frown slightly- I didn’t realise Jude and Molly were having issues too. I take a sip of coffee.

‘Well, I think I might have come up with a solution,’ Sarah tells us brightly. ‘How about you swap dance partners?’

I choke on the mouthful of coffee. Dan pats me on the back helpfully as I almost splutter to death, probably thinking how unattractive I look. Brilliant.

‘Swap?’ I repeat, when I can actually breathe again. ‘Swap partners?’

Sarah nods. ‘I figured we might as well try it. There’s no harm in it- you might actually be more suited to Jude, Kyra.’

More suited to Jude? But this means I’ll never get to practise with Dan…

I look across at Molly. ‘What do you think about this?’

Molly shrugs. ‘Doesn’t matter to me. We’ve agreed to it, if you two agree.’

‘It sounds like a great idea,’ Dan puts in, and my heart sinks down to the very depths of my boots. He clearly doesn’t feel anything for me at all, and realising this makes me feel as if I’m choking on coffee again- all the air is being squeezed out of my lungs and I can‘t quite breathe properly.

I glance at Jude. His hair is all tousled messily, and he’s looking at the table rather than focussing on the conversation. As he looks up, he catches my eye on him, and winks at me.

Seriously? I’m meant to spend a huge amount of my time with him?

Looking back at Dan, who looks completely indifferent, I realise something. It doesn’t matter anyway: I don’t have a choice. Apart from declaring my feelings to Dan, I don’t actually have an option. If I want to succeed at dancing, I’ll have to do whatever it takes. It’s just a shame that what it takes might well be the arrogant little toe rag across the table from me.

I shrug, and smile as convincingly as I can at Sarah. ‘Sounds… great,’ I tell her. ‘Why not?’

After a few minutes, Dan says he needs to head off, and so we have to hurriedly make decisions about when this change over will take place.

‘As soon as possible,’ Dan suggests, and I feel my heart sink even further. In fact, I’m not even sure it’s in my body anymore. As I watch him, knowing every part of him, where every freckle lies on that gorgeous face of his, I think sadly of all the late nights I’ve spent lying in bed, dreaming up situations where he could have a sudden epiphany and realise that he’s actually in love with me. And then we could kiss. A lot. But now it’s just hit home that none of that will ever happen, and I can’t deal with it.

‘Well, you’ll need to compromise with your timing slot,’ Sarah tells us.

‘I’d prefer to stay at the time I have now,’ I say, immediately. Molly’s later time really isn’t my thing.

‘Yours is too early,’ Jude retorts, with an amused smile.

‘Tough,’ I say, testily. I don’t know what it is about him, but he seems to bring out the worst in me.

‘Well, I’d like to move to Molly’s time,’ Dan puts in.

‘Problem solved,’ I say.

Jude rolls his eyes. ‘We’re going to have to compromise, Kyra.’

I glare at him. ‘But that doesn’t mean we have to do things your way, does it?’

He shrugs, irritatingly. ‘Look,’ I tell him. ‘Dan wants to move to yours, Molly-’

Molly shrugs. ‘Don’t mind.’

‘Molly doesn’t mind,’ I continue, ‘that’s two against your one. Democratically, you need to move.’

‘Fine! I’ll move to your time! Satisfied now?’ Jude asks.

I nod. ‘Thanks.’ I kind of feel bad now- I’m not usually the sort to snap, but something about that boy makes me want to throw my cup of coffee right at him.

Maybe it’s because I’ve realised that dancing with Jude really is going to be as bad as I think it is. We just don’t get on- already we’re annoying the hell out of each other. And also, I’ve just fully comprehended how much Dan doesn’t share my feelings, and I guess that’s bound to make me feel a bit more testy than usual.

As I leave a few minutes later, Sarah pulls me to one side. ‘Look, I thought this could all work out quite well. Dan doesn’t really fit with you, maybe Jude will.’

I hold back a snort and go for gratitude instead. ’Thank you, Sarah, for trying.’

‘I just hope it works out,’ Sarah replies. ‘You two are quite the feisty ones.’

I smile at that.

‘But seriously Kyra,’ Sarah continues. ‘Your ability as a dancer actually suits Jude better- you’re a lot more advanced than Molly and Dan.’

‘Really?’ I say, feeling flattered. ‘Was that their problem, then?’

‘Oh, no,’ she replies. ‘They just don’t fit- Molly lets Jude get away with too much- she doesn’t challenge him. But I know you will.’

You bet I will. I’m not the push over my sister is; I will not be trampled on. Jude had better watch out.

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