Stardate 35558

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Stardate 35558

A mech was carried into medbay today. At first, I didn't notice who it was, but once he was stable I noticed the helm fins and red and green pin striping. How?

I handed the mech off to Grapple to finish.

A few hours later, Jazz found me locked in my office, curled in a ball on the floor.

"Ratchet?" he said tenderly, "Is there something you want to get off your chest?"

"What's real? Am I still in stasis? How do I know?" I asked in defeat.

"Why do you ask?" Jazz probed, full of concern and innocence born of naivete.

"I kissed him, Jazz. Our first kiss, and I don't even know if it was really him..."

"What makes you say that?"

"Five nights. I've slept with him for five nights since we woke on earth. The first morning I woke with him, the morning I came out of stasis, I kissed him for the first time. This morning, someone pulled him out of the rubble. I don't know who to trust, and I don't know how to sort this mess out." I stared at him with teary optics.

"First of all, you can trust me." I doubted him, but listened to his plan and went willingly when he sent me to recharge.

I laid between my second and third in command tonight, but it didn't help. When I found a moment of sleep, it was riddled with cold nightmares.

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