4 am Problems

309 13 2

4:27 am

Dalvin: *knocked out*

*banging on door wakes Dalvin up out of his sleep*

Dalvin: *jumps up & hears banging on door* this better be Ti banging on my door at 4 in the morning *grabs gun* if not then they will be getting shot *looks out peephole to see a woman standing there & opens door*

Woman: I'm sorry...Dalvin?

Dalvin: Tonia??

*If you don't remember who Tonia is she's the chick Dalvin met at the club when Jodeci was on tour*

Tonia: *smiles & pulls Dalvin in for a hug..he hesitates a little bit before hugging back* I guess you're my new neighbor, I never saw a face

Dalvin: *pulls away real quick* so um what are you doing here at 4 in the morning

Tonia: well, I was doing some extra work at the office so that's what's up with the time & I ended up locking my keys in the car so now I'm locked out the house *starts checking out a shirtless Dalvin*

Dalvin's thoughts: this is the one time I wouldn't want Ti here, cause if she saw me opening the door at 4 in the morning talking friendly like I am she would really think I was cheating since we obviously know each other

Dalvin: I can get them out for you want

Tonia: really right now??

Dalvin: yea it's either now or never

Dalvin's thoughts: she not sleeping in here, nope if I have to stay up until the sun rises to get them keys just to keep her from staying in my house even if it's for a couple hours then that's just what I have to do

Dalvin: *goes to hall closet, grabs a jacket, & wire hanger*

Tonia: *smiles* thank you so much Dalvin, you are such a sweetheart *moves to the side to let Dalvin by*

Dalvin: it's no problem *grabs keys & locks door* so where is your car at

Tonia: *smiles* lucky for you it's on the street since most of the time I park in the garage

Dalvin's thoughts: no your a** lucky I'm up at 4 in the morning with only ball shorts, & tube socks on to help your a** get your keys since I'm not about to let you in my crib to rape me & have me loose my woman no h*** no..s**t what I'm doing now is really out the kindness of heart cause I would only do this type of s**t for Ti

Dalvin: *fake smiles* yea

Tonia: *walks up to white lexus* alright this is it

Dalvin: *starts using wire hanger to unlock door*

Tonia's thoughts: he looks even better than he did before especially when he's concentrating real hard..I wonder if he's single I never had a chance to ask & I've been too busy with work to watch T.V. to see anything..maybe I'll go out on my break tomorrow & a magazine with them in it to see if I can find something...I don't want to ask because I can handle it better if I found out on my own

**5 minutes later**

Dalvin: *gets door unlocked & grabs Tonia's keys* here you go *hands Tonia her keys*

Tonia: that was fast *smiles* thank you soo much Dalvin *hugs Dalvin*

Dalvin's thoughts: now she knows she could have hugged me on the outside of my jacket instead of the inside

Dalvin: *backs up a little bit*

Tonia: (laughs) sorry *lets Dalvin go*

Dalvin: yea *yawns & walks off* well I'll see you around

Tonia: I will, & good morning

Dalvin: I wasn't worried about nothing, but getting back in my bed..once I got back in the house I went straight to my bed, jacket & all

***Meanwhile at Devante's N.Y. crib***

Devante: B & I, yea I said B was knocked out when I heard Chronic & Skills barking  *gets up from bed, grabs .45, & looks out the window * 

Bianca: who do we have to take out for interrupting my sleep

Devatne: I'm about to find out *stay here*

Devante's thought's: I have to be extra alert now that B is here as well as my life..every since some n**gas came in my crib, & stole my s*** I be parinod asf sometimes I'm not scared or nothing I just want to be ready for whatever comes my way & I'll be d***ned if I let some n**gas come in my s*** & touch my woman 

Devante: *goes back up to room*

Bianca: did you see anybody 

Devante: na *puts gun on dresser, gets back in the bed & lays up against head board* we good B just try to go back to sleep

Bianca: of course it's nobody at almost 5 in the morning *cuddles up to closer to De* I know it's going to be hard for you to get back to sleep 

Devante: *lights blunt* you know I'll get some now *chuckles*

Bianca: *yawns* yea I know *starts falling back asleep*

Devante: *chuckles & hits blunt* d*** B, just go to sleep on me then      

Well it looks like one of Dalvin's talking buddies from the road is his neighbor..how do you think that's going to go comment & vote

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