Science fair at the Reichstag Building.

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Hawthorne, Filby, Alice and Bernadette Smurf were helping out with setting up at the science fair in Reichstag.

Bruno and the rest of his friends wore the Jesus Crucifixion to make sure they weren't identified by the Germans lead by Hitler.

Pinault Van Dohn Smurf: Hawthorne! My friend.

Hawthorne Smurf: Hi guys.

Pinault Van Dohn Smurf: It sounds like I can use some help. Want a donation?

Hawthorne Smurf: Yeah sure, some kiddie smurfs will be using some of their school supplies in the box, I can take that as a kindness. Thanks.

Pinault Van Dohn Smurf: No problem. How is your brother?

Hawthorne Smurf: He's in Switzerland, he's doing great. I guess keeping him safe.

Pinault Van Dohn Smurf: Yeah, I hope it will be a normal month for now.

Hawthorne Smurf: Me too! I was hoping for that too! There are some devils trying to hurt anyone though. Nazis you call them. The Devils' job. Never done, we plan to stay away from it.

Pinault Van Dohn Smurf: Yup. I'm afraid it could see us whenever we're trying to escape. But when we were inside the building, it was an unusual presence and that is why it was hard to be safe anywhere around Germany.

Hawthorne Smurf: Yup. I wanted to get back to normal when it supposed to be.

Pinault Van Dohn Smurf: I see. So what happened back in these days?

Hawthorne Smurf: When I was a young smurf, I was nearly 6 years old, I took my little brother with me, he was 2 years old. Then I realized, there was no food to eat, when I traveled to Austria, there was nothing, just a couple of dead bodies around it. They die from illnesses, starvation, dehydration and diseases. But I managed to get into the basement before the Germans took us to the death camps. My brother almost died trying to run and we ran together to be safe... Then after World War I, I met Bruno Smurf XI, we met each other. Then afterwards, my brother went to Zürich, Switzerland to visit his friends.

Pinault Van Dohn Smurf: Good story Hawthorne, I hope it doesn't happen to the rest of us.

Hawthorne Smurf: I hope so too.

Pinault Van Dohn Smurf: Anyways I'm going to the other spots with the gang see you later.

Bernadette went to the stand.

Steuben Van Dohn Smurf: Hi Bernie!

Bernadette Smurf: Hi, I'm helping out with Alice to set up some of the chairs for the younger smurfs. Any donation?

Steuben Van Dohn Smurf: Sure!

Bernadette Smurf: Thank you.

Steuben Van Dohn Smurf: No problem. See you later Bernie.

Bernadette Smurf: see you later.

25 minutes later,

Bruno helped out with Filby and the younger smurfs to give away the school supplies then Hellen got out of work.

Hellen Smurf: Hi!

Bruno Smurf XI: Hi Hellen!

Hellen Smurf: It seems like you finished the set ups for the science fair.

Bruno Smurf XI: Yup.

Hellen Smurf: It works ;).

The science fair started inside the Reichstag building,

The younger smurfs were working on the inventories and experiment.

Bruno and the others were watching the kids working and discussing about how it works and how it's done. Everyone was clapping.

Pinault was proud of one of the other smurfs while they observed about stuff they did in science. But Bruno remembers how his house smelled so weird Pinault came in to the store and realized it smelled like fart. "Stop talking about farts Pin, don't you know it's rude to talk about it?" "What does fart in german language mean?" "Which means miefen?" Oh my goodness Pinault. Bruno thought. Although it was unusual because Pinault realized learning a German language could soon be challenging for his brother Steuben.

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