Going to school

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September 15, 1938,

At first, It was now the best preparations to open up the shelters right away because all of us will able to live in peace and nothing will stop us from doing a lot of things we didn't do just yet. "You're kidding right?" Bruno started scoffing. "Neptune no I wasn't," Hawthorne laughed. "Well it's safe now as we got the call from our co-workers and told us we can go to work whenever we need to, but next year, we are taking a day off from work because the Luftwaffe will be marching the streets so we had to stay indoors." "Well it's a good point you made," he replied. "Well let's get back to class for now and we will discuss about this later,"

The next hour,

Bruno, Filby, Pierre and the rest of the female smurfs, Helen, Bernie and Alison were at the culinary class to read the basics of the cooking and reading the recipe. Suddenly, the gas had passed from the glutton of their cousin. "Hold on a second, what was that?" Pinault suspected that when someone did that on purpose in class. The culinary class occupied with 56 smurfs noticed that someone passed the gas. "I believed it was my brother." Pinault stated. "My apology folks, my brother just farted in the middle of the lesson." The teacher started laughing. "Man! this class smells like farts in here, well not your fault Mr. Van Dohn smurf, it was our stomach's fault that's all." Bruno sensed the smell coming inside the classroom. "Well Steuben, my house smells like fart too when you guys picked me up and later on we went on a vacation in London, but then we traveled to Germany in the 1920's." "Right," Steuben blushed. "It was an accident. I realized there was some of our cousins who were passing gas right in front of us when we were in college at Berlin back then." "Oh that makes sense." Pinault said.

It was brunch time and the other smurfs were hanging out with their girlfriends at the sideways of the cafeteria. Berlin, Germany started to be filled out with crowds and Immigrants for those who were the German American soldiers entering the classroom to make sure we were safe. It was a relief because the buildings were occupied with German American soldiers. One thing for sure that when great things happened, it was when the Great Depression happened. Our Cousin's father was diagnosed with Kidney cancer, a few months later, he died. They tried keeping up with something they had but, it was hard to hold up. Bruno described what the Great Depression was like in Germany. "It is as I said." Bruno explained. "When Great Depression started, it deeply hurt Germany so bad that we couldn't do anything to deal with it, why did they ever lose the job?" "I noticed it was a stock market market crash because the stock became so worthless people couldn't sell it anymore," Cartier shrugs. "At this time, it happened in France and my dad started losing his job when he was working as a farmer, the payment for farm machines started to default, what else is still in the paycheck." "What Paycheck?" Bruno asks. "No worries, let's head back to class,"

Smurfiness Before World War II: Back to school debut.Where stories live. Discover now