Chapter Four ~ Taking Up Arms

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There was loud, menacing pounding on the old oak door of the house. "What do we do!?" I yelled. "We don't have any weapons!" Suddenly, the door slowly started glowing orange. We slowly backed away. Then everything just exploded into flames. "Upstairs!" I shouted. "Are you crazy!? If whatever is outside can control fire, you, of all places, would go upstairs!?!?" James yelled at me. Sometimes some not-so logical thoughts go through my mind. I never figured out why. Maybe it's because of that sw-... Oh... Never mind about that... Anyway, back to the action. We kept kicking and looking for another way out. "Maybe try in the bathroom?" said I. I went in there. You know how in bathrooms before you had the state-of-the-ark American Standard Flushing systems, they had those string things that you pulled down and it would flush the toilet? Well, this house had one of those. I pulled it, and then something truly unexpected happened. The right wall fell over on its side and there was a big gap on the side of the house. I rushed out of the bathroom, almost tripping on the misshapen and scattered floorboards, rushing James, Max and the unknown girl, who was now conscious, into the bathroom and out of the house. I had a feeling Max's ATV was done for, so we just began running towards Presicosa in fear of our lives. Once we had gotten out a mile or so, we heard a massive boom. Looking back, there was a massive pillar of black smoke. That house fire had reached the nearby pine forest. We took a quick break and all had some equal amounts of the one bottle of water that I had brought. I always keep one on me. We sat there for several hours, just watching the fire burn out in the sunset.

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