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The next day , I was at Prods house . "What .. Did .. I .. Do .. That .. For?" I said to myself in shame. I'm so damn stupid. It really hurt me , what she said.

"Maybe cause you'r an asshole Chresanto" Craig said as he was on his phone

I looked down with pain. "I didn't mean for this to all happen bro. I .."

"I ....?" Craig said getting my attentions again.

"I ... I think I really do like her" I said lightly. "I like her ... A lot" I continued on.

Craig laughed. "We all knew it bro. Go get your girl" he said pushing me out the door.

I ran to Taylor's house. I was thinking about what i'd say to her & give her a good reason about why I lied to her. I have no idea what i'm going to say.

I came to her house & her car was parked outside. I rang the doorbell. Nobody answered. I rang it again .. Still no answer. I got angry. She's home apparently & she's not answering the damn door. I'v known Tay & her family for a while now , so I just walked in.

Her place was nice and neat like it always was. I heard crying. Really .. disturbing crying that made me feel horrible. I went straight to her room. I walked in and the crying seemed to get 50 times louder. "Taylor?" I said. "Tayyllooorrr?" I said dragging her name out.

I saw the bathroom connected to her room , open with a bright light shining out. "Taylor?" I said with a little more strength in my voice.

I walked inside and Taylor was sitting on the floor , cutting herself with pieces of her broken mirror. Her forehead was bleeding , her arms looked like it said ' not important '. I couldn't tell cause of all the blood leaking out. I was shocked. Does Taylor do this on the regular? I saw healed scared over her legs , waist and all over.

"The fuck? TAYLOR!?!?" I yelled kneeling to her and taking the glass out of her hands. "TAYLOR? ARE YOU CRAZY?!" I asked her while me , myself am getting covered with blood

She just cried. "CHRESANTO LEAVE ME ALONE!" She reached over me and grabbed the glass and did 5 quick dashes in her arm making a broken heart.

I almost passed out. I couldn't take seeing all this blood. "Taylor! Stop!" I took her glass and threw it out the room. She eyed me evilly & went to the sink. She tripped over me a bit , but still managed to get her arm under the sink. She ran hot water over it and walked out.

I got up and ran right behind her. She got out that damn house so quickly. I followed her for the longest time. I ended up catching up with her a while later. We were on a very steep hill watching a sunset.

"So ..." I said trying to break the awkwardness. She didn't say anything. "Look Taylor .. I apologize for lying to you. I never meant to hurt you the way that I did" I said while looking at the sun setting. I glanced at Taylor and saw tears still running down her face but she didn't mind to wipe them. "I can be a serious asshole sometimes. I never thought I'd hurt a girl this bad. I hate seeing you cr-" she cut me off.

"Chresanto .. Tell me why you lie" she asked starring me deep into my eyes, making me feel extremely uncomfortable.

I shrugged. "It's just ... something I do. Lying is written all over me"

She sniffed and let out a laugh. "Well .. Ya know what? You can't be with me if you are going to lie. One thing I can't stand is liars" I looked down not knowing what the hell to say. "I guess their isn't anything else to say .."

She got up and walked away.


After I walked away , I went home. He didn't dare to follow me. If he tried saying sorry to me again , I was going to get in his ass like soap never did.

All night he's been calling and texting me. I calmed down and answered him. All he did was say sorry. I didn't believe him until I heard him crying. Everyone knows I have a big heart. Of course , I had to accept his apology.

Guess what .... we are official again.

I had my hair straighten down , a red short sleeved shirt on with a light blue jean jacket , with silver spikes on the shoulders. I had on tan khaki jeans and red vans. I put on some red lipstick , full eyelashes and a thick coat of eyeliner.

I rubbed my lips together , admiring how good I looked in red lipstick. I heard a horn. That is my ride.

I grabbed my phone and left out the house. I got into Chres car. It smelled like sweet red roses and just .. amazing ya know? It didn't smell like all that other strong shit he used to wear.

"Hey" I said as I kissed his cheek. We aren't on the kissing level yet.

"Hey darling , you look beautiful" Chres said sweetly

I smiled and looked down at my now sweating hands. "Thank you .. You look spiffy yourself" I said in my high squeaky voice. I was getting nervous.

"Aw , thank you baby" He said as he pulled off and turned on the radio

BABY? BABY? DID HE JUST CALL ME BABY?!?! Omg. Calm .. Deep breaths ...

I was talking to my friend on the phone for a second. Her name is Jessica & her & I are pretty close. We cheered on the same travel cheer team.

"No Jessie .. We aren't .." I looked at Chresanto & he smiled at the rode. His nosy ass. "We aren't on that level yet"

"Mhm .. Put me on speaker"

I rolled my eyes. I put it on speaker. As well as I know Jessica , she is gonna say something inappropriate.

"You are currently on speaker" I said laughing.

"Now , what did yall do?" Jess said.

"NOTHING" I said loudly and slowly


I blushed MAD hard. "Noo , I don't Jessica Elizabeth Bell"

Chres laughed and kept driving , bumping his head to lil boosie. I hate his music but .. its his car right?

"Why was you saying you want the D from Roczilla? Why the fuck is you lying for? He wants ... da pussy girl"

Chres & I busted out laughing. "Bye" I hung up on her. "Sorry ..." I said trying to break the silence.

"It's good .. your friend is funny"

I giggled. "I know .. She wasn't wrong though" The car stopped and we looked at each other. "Did I just say that out loud?"

"Yeaaahhhh" He said slowly.

It got awkward really quick. I just sat in my seat and looked out the window. I mean , I didn't mean to say it out loud. We got past that & stared talking about our sisters.

"Jasmine can be a handful but at the end of the day , she's always their for me" I said as PopThat played in the backround

"I agree. Ariti is the same. She always gets me in trouble , but when I need her she's their for me"

I nodded and smiled. Lil Waynes part came on in the car. Chres immediately started rapping along with him.

I laughed. He could really rap. I joined and we got all in it! We were laughing and looking at eachother then as soon as you know , I felt myself rise up from my seat.


I know this chapter sucks buttt .... Vote & comment pleaseee

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