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"Mommy really loves you. If ot weren't for you, I'd have no idea where i'd be in my life" My mom said. Then she kissed for forehead

I woke up from my dream. I was sweating bullets and I was thirsty. I was either sweating because I had a horrible dream or it was cause Z's car seats were leather.

I shook my head and thought about my dream. My mom was telling me she loved me. It was the old days. I can't remember the last time I heard my mom say that. I was smiling stupidly, cause even though my mom never really loved me, it made me happy to hear her say it in my dream.

"I'm thirsty .." I said to myself. I drove to Mc.Donalds and got me something to drink and some breakfast.

I checked my phone and I had over 50 missed calls and texts for Chresanto. I just need to be alone right now. I have soooooo much on my plate right now. My stomach is getting bigger by the day and I'm starting to have these weird cravings......

I called Chresanto. "Hello?" He said in a low voice. "Hey Chres .." I said. "Taylor? Where have you been? Where are you??" He asked. "I'm stressed and ... just some place i need to be. Alone." I said. He sighed. "Where are you?" I added on. "Out looking for you ..." He said. "Huh? What? It's like 10. How long have you been looking for me?" I asked. "Since I found out you ran off" I sighed. I felt bad. "I'll meet you home" I hung up.

At home, I beat Chres there. I walked inside my house and found Zonnique pacing around.

"Lord, Taylor! I was so worried about you!" Z, said embracing me in a hug. I smiled. "Sorry. I just needed to be alone" I said looking down. "Well .. I'm just not worried anymore since you're here. Are you okay? Where'd you go?"

"Well, I'm fine. Thanks for asking. I then went in a empty parking lot and stayed their. I fell asleep and had a dream about my mother"

Chres walked in and I ran to him giving him a hug. He kissed all over me. "Baby, please don't ever do that! You had me worried sick about you" He said in my ear. "Sorry" He hugged me once more and sat down.

"I'm really tired" He said rubbing his eyes throwing his head back. "Let me take you to bed" I said in a baby voice. I grabbed his hand and walked him in the bed room. I helped him onto and bed and tucked him in. "Sleep as long as you want, okay?" I said quietly. "Alright ... Taylor, I really love you. We are gonna raise these twins perfectly" He said touching my face. I just nodded. "I just can't believe that you are having my kids ..." I couldn't believe it at all either. I kissed him really good and smiled. I was walking out but he stopped me. "Come sleep woth meeeeee" He said opening a spot for me. I sighed on the inside. I walked in the bed with him and he held me tight.


I had to go to Chres's spot to see Zonnique. She is just ... BAD! I really like her. I use most girls as a fuck and duck but I can't with her. I can't even remember the last time I'v had a straight steady relationship, to be honest.

We were just sitting in the living room talking, getting to know each other better. "So ... T.I. is your stepdad?" I asked. I don't believe her. "Yeah, see" She showed me pictures of them in her phone, and pictures with his kids. She wasn't bluffing. "That's cool" I said. She sighed. "Not really. Everyone thinks i'm stuck up but I'm not. I'm chill and laid back. Just because my step dad is famous, i'm not anything like that" She said looking down. I touched her hand. "I feel you. You ain't nothing like that" She looked up and smiled showing them dimples I love. We leaned into kiss but of course Taylor ruins the moment.

"Ugh, I'm so stressed" Taylor said walking to the refrigerator. "I thought you were sleeping Tay? Them babies inside you, keeping you up?" Nique said. Taylor sarcastically laughed and sat down in front of us. "No. He wanted me to sleep with him, but I can't really sleep" She said. "Why you stressed? Thats not good" I asked. She shrugged. "I'm not ready to have a baby. 2 at that. I need to finish school, get a job and everything else like that. I ... don't want to have these kids anyways ...." She blurted out. "You should've thought about that Tay. If you can lay on your back, you can do it in ... 8 months" I said.

"That was deep ..." Tay said. They laughed then their was a knock at the door. Tay got up and opened it. She brung in a big box. By her struggling to bring the box over near us, I knew it was something big. "What's that?" Nique asked. She shrugged. "I have no idea"

We all leaned in and opened the box. It was money. STACKS of money. "WOAH!" Taylor said. Nique didn't anything really. I think it's because she saw WAY more money than that. "Who would send us this money?" Tay asked. "It has a note" Nique said.

Taylor read it aloud. "Here is some money. Exactly 5 million. I heard you were having twins. Well congratulations! I don't have much to say but .. I hope you enjoy. Love, Your secret admirer"

"Woah. Who is that ' secret admirer? ' " Nique asked. "I don't know but I cannot let Chresanto see this note" Taylor said. "Let me see it" I said. She handed it to me and I saw the hand-writing. I know exactly who wrote this.

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