Chapter 1

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Please if you can keep reading. It sucks at the beginning. It gets way better towards the end.. Okay you can read now😜👍

Kali's POV

Hi I'm Kali Lawley Kian Lawley's little sister. -Oh you know him, wow that's weird. I thought you wouldn't 'cause he's a loser -I joke. So I'm in the airport at the baggage claim to get my suitcases. I sit down and text Kian. I'm supposed to be living with him and his friends from now on.

(Texting Kian)

Kali~ Hi I'm waiting for you by the baggage claim :)
Kian~ Ok I'll be there soon
Kali~ Bye big bro-bro
Kian~ You know I hate that nickname
Kali~ Whatever bye KIAN
Kian~ Bye KALI
(End of convo)

I laugh at how he mocked me. I decided to get Starbucks and order a cotton candy frappe. I sit down and right when I do I see Kian. He sees me and walks over. I give him a tight hug and never let go until he pulls me off. He's obviously stronger than me.

We walk to his car and he puts my suitcases in his trunk, we get in, and drive off. We get there and it was bigger than I saw in their videos. Kian unlocks the door and we walk in. I see Joseph setting up his camera. Kian shows me my room and I settle in.

Kian's POV

I was so glad that I'm reunited with Kali again. It's been almost 3 years! I go up to her room to ask her if she wants to go swimming with me and Jc. I go up their and she's on the floor sorting her things out and putting them away. "Hey do you wanna go swimming?", I ask. "Ya sure.", she simply says.

Kali's POV

I searched for my swimsuit. I found it and changed into it. I got a large shirt with little cut outs here in the back that I made myself and put it on. I walked to their pool and I found them both there already. I felt like somebody was staring at me. I shrugged it off and just went to get my towel since I forgot to get one.

Once I got my towel I layed it down close to the pool but not to close. About 5 minutes later I dunno who's counting? I started to drift off to sleep until I felt someone pick me up. "WHAT THE- ,LET ME GO!!!" I spat. "PUT ME DO-", before I could finish my sentence I got thrown into the pool. I decided to act like I drowned so I waited 'til I floated to the top. I heard whoever threw me in freaking out. I started to hear nothing. So I got out and laid on my towel like nothing happened. I heard Jc yelling "KIAN HURRY ITS KALI SHE'S DROWNING!!!","WELL IF SHE'S DROWNING WHY DIDNT YOU GET HER OUT!!!". I heard silence again I could tell they saw me. "Jc you have problems.", I heard Kian tell Jc. I then heard Jc whipser " So that's how it is?". I felt a smirky glare on my body. "Let the games begin!", I snap and smile.

Kian's POV (before the "prank")

I was ordering pizza until Jc called me. He said Kali was drowning. I swear he can be so stupid sometimes. "WELL IF SHE'S DROWNING WHY DIDN'T YOU GET HER OUT!!!". I saw Kali laying out on her towel still. "Jc you have problems", I sigh. I walked back in and when I did the doorbell rang. Probably just the pizza. I got the pizza and payed for it. I closed the door and yelled "PIZZAS HERE!!!". Before I could put it on the kitchen island they were both already here. "Geez ya thirsty?"," I just really like pizza" They both said at the same time. They looked at each other and laughed.

Kali's POV

The pizza was delicious. "Thanks Kian"," Don't thank me, thank Jc, I stole the money from his wallet.". "I thought my wallet look different!". I laugh, so does Kian. " Thanks Jc". With that I go upstairs to take a shower and a nap. I get in bed after my shower and drift off to sleep instantly after I hit my bed.

I was looking at the side of the road and I saw my parents in the car. I saw them at the intersection. When the light turned green I saw a car zooming and t-boned my parents. "NO!" I screamed and cried. I fell through the ground and was in a chair tied up. Jc comes in the room with a knife staring at me. I scream struggling to get out but can't. He stabs through my stomach and puts a hook through my throat to me mouth.

I shot up with Kian hovering over me. I realize im crying, sweating, and that... it was a dream more like nightmare! "Kali are you okay?", Kian asks with loads of concern. "Yeah I just had a nightmare that's all","Do you wanna tell me?" I look over at Jc who I noticed was in here and I gave him a death glare. He just looks confused and leaves. I told him everything and he just hugged me "It's okay nothing like that is gonna happen, okay!?" I eventually stop crying. He leaves then Jc comes in and asked if I wanted to be in his video. I said "sure I guess." I mean it's not like I was crying my eyes out earlier. But I'm not that rude (sometimes).

We went to his room to film. He asks if I wanted to do a challenge. "Sure",
" Then be don't afraid to get messy" he warns. I didn't understand what he meant by that. He then left the room. He came back with 2 large bowls 4 cans of whipped cream (*does the whip* 😂 I had to) and gummy worms!I got so FRIGGIN excited!!! He turned his camera on and-"HELLO my name is Jc Caylen and today I'm here with Kian's little sister", he stops as he points to me. "Hi I'm Kali!"."-and today we are going to be doing a challenge. So basically we're just putting whipped cream and gummy worms throughout the bowl and we have to search with our faces to find them whoever gets the most in 15 seconds wins and the loser-"," The loser has to jump in the pool fully clothed and yell 'I LOVE BOOBS'. " I finish his sentence. "Y-yeah we'll do that.". He looks at me like I'm crazy I just laugh. We do the challenge  I almost choke but I won. We walked to the pool and Jc put his camera up again and we were both close to the edge of the pool. He yelled "I LOVE BOOBS" I started to laugh but he pulled me with him and I screamed "JC!!!!". We rose up very close. He leaned in as well did I. Kian came out and we backed away from each other quickly. "Heyyy? What's going on here?","Uh-uhhhh",I really don't want to see him mad. "What are you talking about?", he shrugged it off still looking tense but walked away. What did we just do?

( This is the longest chapter I've ever made well this is the end now it's time for you to die. I kid I kid but this is the end of the chapter. So bye little horses😁🐎🐴)

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