Chapter 25

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A loud bang like something fell was heard and to be what sounded like Jc yelled in pain

At the bottom of the steps Jc was on the floor and Kian was across from him.
-End Of Recap-

"HOW THE F•CK DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE?!", I yelled looking straight in his eyes.

He glanced at me speechless.


This time I took matters into my own hands instead of Jc beating him up for me.

I charged over to him and forced a punch but he grabbed my wrist.

While turning around and tying my hands behind my back.

"Kian you can't do this I'm your sister he's your best friend! Do you hate us?!", I basically screamed.

No reply from him.

"What are you gonna do know Jc?", Kian teased.

Jc very weakly stood up and slowly walked to Jc.

Once he reached him he just stood there.

I'm pretty sure both Kian and I were confused.

"B•TCH!!", Jc said as he punched Kian right in the jaw.

I'm pretty sure I heard a brutal cracking sound.

Without care Kian just dropped me with my hands still tied behind me so I couldn't land on them.

Jc very swiftly caught me and brought me back up..

"Babe go upstairs I don't want you to get hurt!!", Jc whispered to me.


"GO F•CKING UPSTAIRS!!!", he yelled making me jump and run upstairs as told.

I got to the top and ran to my room crying.

Yet another fight between my brother and boyfriend.

Jc's POV

"You wanna mess with my girl again you'll get these knuckles!!", I threatened.

He took a swing at me, I ducked then under punching him in the chin.

He tried to kick my stomach but I grabbed his ankle.

I pushed it back and swung myself around with my leg out in hope that it would trip him.

He yelled in pain for a very long time.

I punched him in the stomach, chest, and-.

He left while holding his possibly dislocated jaw.

I hate to do this but he wouldn't stop leaving Kali and I alone.

After I closed the door and locked it I went upstairs to Kali and I's room.

I slowly opened the door realizing my knuckles were bloody.

I saw Kali on her bed crisscrossed bawling her eyes out.

I guess she heard me come in because it sounded like she tried to stop.

I sat down next to her and put my arms around her.

"Why do you guys always have to solve everything so violently?", she sobbed.

She had a point though..

But I didn't respond only because I didn't know how.

I used my hand to turn her face toward me.

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