Chapter 34

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Sorry guys, I've been late on my updates. If you couldn't tell I post my chapters in five days or less and this chapter was supposed to be out on the 27th of January but it's the 31st now (may be the February for a few people😁) I had testing and I literally but accidentally cut my charger open... yes I know I'm dumb. But stick with me and I'll try hard to update as much content as possible. Love you guys and thanks for 1.40k 😜😉😏... Btw the outfit's at the top.

Kali's POV

Next morning, I woke up like any other day.

But I really had my mind set on Jake since he was hurt so bad last time I saw him.

I don't care where he is or what he's doing I'm gonna go meet him.

I put on some clothes after taking a shower and told Kian where I was going and for him to carry the message on to Jc when he wakes up.

I first had to contact Amber since she was the second best friend to Jake next to me, or the first...

So I called her see ask where he was and exactly what I thought, back in Iowa...

I went online and bought two tickets for the flight at 11:30 am.

I packed my things and put it aside. Since I was planning to stay for a week, if Jake wasn't there I would stay with my friends that still lived there in Iowa.

-The Next Day-
(Leaving to the airport)

I decided to go with Amber since we both wanted to go back so after I was done packing Kian and I got in his car and went over to Amber's place.

She came out shortly after and locked her door.

She rolled her huge overwhelming suitcase to the car almost tripping and earning a chuckle from me.

I got out and helped her out her things in the trunk then we drove off.

-At The Airport-

We made it to LAX and Kian stayed with us until we boarded.

We were sitting with our Starbucks in our hands and the plane arriving here in just 5 minutes.

I went to throw away my cup and go back to my seat. Right when I sat down they called us to board the plane which caused Kian and Amber to laugh...

Kian hugged us and tried not to cry but failed.

"Kian we're only gone for a week! Why are you crying?", I asked hugging him a bit longer than expected.

"I'm just gonna m-miss you! Y-you're my little sister and you're our b-best friend..", he trailed off.

"It's okay Kian you can call me every day if you feel when ever you feel kay?", I asked/offered.

"Last call for flight 457!", the snobby flight attendant called.

"Bye Kian I love you!!", I said hugging him once more as well as Amber.

"I love you too, bye!", he said waving and crying.

Amber and I helped each other put our bags in the compartment above us and then we sat down.

A few moments later of being in the plane but also before we took off I was automatically starting to fall asleep and my head was slightly but embarrassingly bobbing everywhere.

"You can lay your head on my shoulder Kali!", Amber offered while chuckling.

"Thanks!", I smiled then laughing along with her.

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