Roman Kirby: The Dark Magic (Book 1)

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Lets say, at only the age of thirteen years old, you are sentenced to death, your not a regular human, and to top the cherry off, your parents who you only see twice a year are wanted criminals.
Well you probably know nothing about that feeling but Roman Kirby and his sister Lailah know all about that feeling. After clashing with a mythological creature, he and Lailah are dragged to The Acadmey Of The Godlings where he learns he is a godling and too a sorcerer, making he and Lailah two of the most powerful students of AOG.
As he learns to control his unique and powerful abilities, his parents attempt to try and bring someone very important to them back from the dead, and in the process release something ancient and sinister from the Under Realm, sacrificing themselves.
Roman must embark on a treacherous quest to save him, his parents, and prevent a war that will be forced upon the gods.

So how do you like the ideal of the book and how did I do on the description. Please leave feedback, like and comment please.

~Ardelis Daze

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