The Fire On The School Café

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I couldn't move, I was stuck in fear. Looking down it was as if ice crystals and frost was slowly climbing themselves up my legs keeping me in place. No matter how much I tried to move, the ice kept on racing up my legs, keeping me in the same foot position.

Behind the door I could hear kids screaming and teachers trying to keep them from bringing down the school. They must of heard his loud roars.

The giant stood in front of me still condensat-ing frost into the air. Freezing ice was now up to my knees and I still couldn't bare the doors open, yet move to at least try to save my life.

Suddenly, on the out side of the cafeteria, through the glass doors I saw Gary. He broke through the glass doors with a stick and climbed through the doors.
What had he possibly been doing at the school? Shouldn't he be tending to his receptionist duties?

"Hey you big frost giant, come get me," Gary screamed.
The frost giant stared at Gary with a confused face before looking back at me. I certainly was covering my knee caps now and I was shivering.

He looked back at Gary and took off after Gary, stomping with each step shaking the entire cafeteria floor.

Gary was swift and launched himself over five lunch tables then came trotting towards me. To have arthritis, he sure did move fast.

When Gary got close to me I noticed he didn't have on any gloves or socks. Where his hands and feet should've been were leopard paws with sharp claws. Neither did he have on a hat and where his ears should've been were tall leopard ears sticking out of his bundles of brown curly hair, and to top it all off, he had a long flexible golden tail plunging from his behind and yellow cat eyes.

I don't know if my imagination was pondering, or if I was just simply crazy like Lailah and Anni would always say. Maybe it was too much TV or video games, or possibly one coming to life. See, I really need to stop playing video games.

He carried a stick with him, it was like a wand, it looked a bit like a carved tree limb. It was very plain and brown.

"Gary, what is wrong with your body," I asked as he approached me.

"No time to explain, I have to get you out of here before that thing over there turns you into his lunch," he looked behind him and the big dumbo ice giant was coming back towards us, running pretty fast.

He pointed the little stick at the ice which was now at my mid thigh and mumbled something that I couldn't make out.

The ice quickly melted into water and fell on top of the icy floor.

"How and the heck did you-" I was at loss of words.

"Ask the questions later," he said before running at the beast.

The beast swiped his hands at Gary, but Gary was moving fast. He slid under some lunch tables and disappeared, literally. Like he was there, and now he isn't.

The giant raised an eyebrow, wondering where Gary had disappeared to. Heck, I was wondering too because Gary was no where to be found, he was just gone. Gone with the dust.

Frosty grabbed lunch table after lunch table, chunking them in rage looking for Gary under them, and they all came in my direction. I stood and watched them come tumbling for my head.

Before they could hit me, Gary appeared out of now where next to me. He pointed his wand stick thing at me, mumbling something under his breath. The ground before my feet began to tremble like a earthquake. Before I could comprehend what was happening, tree branches began to pile out of the floor. Before I knew there was a full oak tree standing in front on me.

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